Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Prinzly
Parisian music composer and producer who totalize around 400M on all the platforms. Credits include : Universal Music, Warner Music, PRADA, SAINT LAURENT, MUGLER
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I am a session/studio flutist available for hire to record in my studio and submit to you solo flute, improvisation or site reading of your charts to your written music, session work and or live performances.
I have completed my advanced diploma in sound engineering and music production and started my career as a recording engineer 6 yrs ago, now I have my own studio doing my mixing.
I went to school for mixing and I can polish your song and bring the best out of them to where the should be and commercial sounding. Also have great gear and skills for all genres. Love indie rock
bassist session musician, live and studio recording, also available for transcription and lessons.
Complete set of audio and sound design services, from concept to final mix.
I will take your song to the next level with proper mixing and mastering.On top of that I am qualified in music production and sound engineering which means I ca produce original and unique music for you.
Parisian music composer and producer who totalize around 400M on all the platforms. Credits include : Universal Music, Warner Music, PRADA, SAINT LAURENT, MUGLER
I offer a versatile skill set encompassing songwriting, mixing, and editing as a sound engineer, allowing me to enhance the impact of your music across various genres.
Recent Successes
"amazing person and professional! I was have some trouble with my money and this guy was help me, Its so cool! Thank you! About work: My songs now sounds like a FIREEEE! Its the sound what I need! Good Job! Than..."
"Andres did a very professional work with extremely fast response time as usual. I appreciate especially that he gave me the details about his tonal correction measures. Thank you Andres!"
"I needed lyricist and singer who can work with me about hardstyle track and I choose her. During this project, she quickly figured out what I wanted, so we could finish it fastly. Because of that sense, I got lyrics a..."
"Gustavo did an excellent job for us, once again. He is an excellent recording engineer for guitar. The sound of both, his electric and acoustic recordings is truly marvelous. I'm not sure if I've ever heard better. ..."
"Jacobo, Thank you! It's great to work with a musician that knows his way around the studio. Excellent musicianship and studio recording technique. Works in a timely manner. You wont be disappointed if you hire him for..."
"It was fun to work with Bryan at Stirring Records. We took all the time we needed to create this song together. He is professional and a very nice guy!"
"Again, nothing but good things to say about Fabian. Really quick turnaround and provided exactly the master I was looking for! I'll be back!"