Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with primal core
Hi! I'm a composer and producer with more than 10 years of professional experience. I strongly believe that we should help each other and be open to achieving the best results while enjoying the process. Don't hesitate to reach out to me, and let's make great music together.
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Sidechain Recording takes your song to the professional level you want without the massive costs
Welcome! I'm happy that you have landed here.
Audio engineer
As a natural freelancer, I have learned to adapt to many different musical environments. This has given me the opportunity to record, mix and master a lot of records in a variety of genres including Rock, Reggae, Gospel, Jazz, Americana, Blues, and more.
Sound Notion is dedicated to making your songs come to life.
DJ H-Man *Alias: Harold * Birthed December 1984, in the heart of Africa (Lusaka, Zambia) The MAN and the Legend: Harold “DJ H- Man” is more than a DJ his been in the game for a minute now. He began this journey as a singer then evolved into the One- MAN-Band- MAN. He Landed in Russia in 2003, where he became enthralled with the Ruski night life. Jo
Young rapper looking for exposure so I have great deals, but with good quality!
Taking care of your music as if it was our baby!
Recent Successes
"Bruce sang perfectly in the direction that I was looking for! Was nice talking to him about that and he's a very good musician. Totally recommend working with him!"
"So this lady is pure fire. Effortlessly followed my brief and delivered a great performance. Would deffo work with Lex again. "
"Great job "
"I learn so much working with Christopher. He is definitely on a different level and brings everything up a level. He is easy to work with, very professional, and only produces the highest level hip-hop vocals, beats, ..."
"Charlene has a great voice and feel! I love what she does to my songs! "
"Another great project with Holly! Great voice and a total pro. Communicates throughout the process to make sure that she delivers exactly what you need. Highly recommended!"
"What can I say... I've worked with Jenny for several times now and it has always been a blast. She puts so much effort into getting the right vocal tone and vibe for the piece and she is also super professional to wor..."