Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Powerful Wisdom
I've worked with many professional and independent artists as a Music Producer, Mix Engineer, Songwriter and Studio Musician who can take your vision and bring it to life. Music is my life and I love what I do. This will reflect in the quality of any project that I work with.
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Grammy-award winning music producer and composer Sid “Omen” Brown was born and raised In Harlem, New York. Omen’s discography includes various songs and singles with Platinum and Gold Recording Artists such as Usher, Drake, Lil Wayne, Fabolous, Memphis Bleek, Juelz Santana, Fat Joe, Redman and Mya.
Music Producer
Singer/songwriter with millions of streams. Some of the highlights of my career are the collaboration with Armin van Buuren(the song Cosmos) and my performance at Untold Festival, joining the superstar Dj’s show, singing in front of more than 70.000 people.
Recording studio specializing in mixing and mastering. https://www.nate08.com/discography
Let's get you the best version of your track!
Ten years experience producing, mixing and mastering. My background includes producing tracks for the Miss Universe Pageant, creating loop packs for major distributers, recording famous artists as well as working working with local artists giving them a glow up.
+1,000,000 YouTube views/streams. I'm a Pop/EDM music producer and I love make songs for the summer. Let me know how I can help you with your project!
Recent Successes
"Excellent fast and professional Job"
"Michael is always super flexible and happy to work with your schedule. He has helped make these 2 tracks sound epic! Thank you :)"
"Ängelsson did an incredible job with this song - very inventive and yet very true to the R&B roots of the style. The performances and arrangement are perfect. I couldn't be happier with his work and will definitely us..."
"Dibs does it again, but he always nails it. My go to mixer. You won't ever be disappointed. "
"Yet again Charles turned out a fantastic performance with his top level audio files, all delivered in super fast speed and with his voice sounding incredible... always appreciated and always hugely recommended!!"
"Man really nails every song project we do! Continously impressed with the creativity he brings to every new song, thank you man for everything you do!"
"Eric is just wonderful He is patient and his service was really fast I'm really pleased with the result that came out we have an amazing song together I'm sure I will continue to work with him later !!!!"
"TJ was a blast to work with! He is so kind, professional & patient. We are honored to have worked with him! Only took a few revisions to get our tunes sounding the way we intended. Recommend him fully! He's a legend. "
"Very good and consistent engineer - I'm always very happy with his work."
"Any genre I throw at them, they skillfully do and send me beautiful tracks."
"Incredible at what he does, really fast turn around...keep coming back for more."