Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Pondo Worship Movement
I'm an expert at taking phone demos and turning them into fully realized songs. I specialize in worship music, pop and hip hop productions. I'm also an amazing mix engineer and will bring out the best in your recorded tracks. I use industry standard processing and loudness techniques to make your track sound fat and competitive.
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Mixing Mastering
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Anything you need, I can handle it. Always play to the very best of my ability.
Good enough for a Grammy🏆
I can record whatever instrument you want for your project. My motto "If You Can Think It I Can Play It." Was in the Memphis Horns working with Wayne Jackson Trumpet Player/ Leader. Multi Instrumentalist currently with Ronnie Milsap. Pedal Steel, Saxophone, Dobro, Flute, Lap Steel, Clarinet, Oboe, Cor Anglais
I produce music under the name B-Dos. You can hear my work here: https://soundcloud.com/b-dos I've been producing for the past 5 years and have dedicated several hours every day to become the best at what I do. My music has been featured on a few bigger SoundCloud labels like Quality Goods Records, Phuture Collective, etc.
BMG recording artist Roky Moon is the co-owner of King Electric Recording in Austin, TX. Featuring a mixing room designed by acoustician John Brandt, King Electric provides a pristine listening experience.
I cant escape the influence of singing 3 part harmonies in a gospel church. I learned to sing soprano, alto, and tenor. My passion is vivid in the subtle nuances that exists between the interpretation of the the writers words and the producers flow. I love my work and sharing my devotion to excellence in any project that I am involved in.
Recent Successes
"Great engineer and very patient. He will make sure that your song quality is A-1. He's just great!"
"I am very picky when it comes to the mixing of my music (Rock Alternative). I have worked with many different engineers but Daniel is one of the few who immediately understood my vision and delivered incredibly fast. ..."
"my experience was topnotch. I love her voice. she is well talented and very professional. Thank you again Ashley =)"
"Miriam has done an excellent job, she exceeded my expectations and composed and recorded a wonderful cello part for my piano piece. I will work with her again in the future for sure. Recommended!"
"Awesome producer! GEKKO was extremely organized, communicative, and really captured the vision. He shared his plan before starting on the production and brought enormous talent and energy to the production. I really a..."
"Oh my God! Never I have been so touched by playing the strings! It's amazing and i love it so much! Thank you... You delivered exactly what I wanted."
"Raf mastered an episode on research around choking in the bedroom. They can do it all indeed. "
"This is my third time working with Thierry and as usual excellent job. He is very patient and works till I get exactly what’s needed for the song! "
"2 more mixes in the can with Chris. as usual he crafted mixes that presented the tracks in best possible way: everything dialed in, stacked perfectly and unfolding for maximum impact. always impressed by his ability..."