Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with POEME
MAN1K is a Ukrainian producer and DJ, specializing in the realms of Underground Witch-House and Darkwave. As one half of the enigmatic duo, DeadRay, alongside Lakomi, MAN1K is a dedicated force in the world of dark experimental electronic music.
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Jota is a mixer and masterizer with extensive experience, who decided to dedicate himself to the recording and mixing as his main activity, making hundreds of mixes of the most diverse musical genres like Jazz, Pop, Rock, Folk, Metal, Tango, classical music, etc. Excellent communication with the artist.
I graduated top of my class in SAE Institute, I have a home-studio, I treat every project like it's my last.
After 8 years of working alongside some music legends, I am well equipped to record or mix your next project!
I am WEEKENDER, composing and recording at middle of the ocean mainly. Spiritual, soulful and rough notes based music and backgrounds.
I'm passionate about my sound.i make afrobeat, dancehall, RnB and Hiphop music.
🌼 I am making daydreams through photography and videos.
Multi-instrumentalist and self-produced artist looking to help take your creative endeavors to the next level!!! Whether it be you need help molding a song into a structured product, dope beats, a sick guitar solo? I got you. Hit me up!! - Dr0ppa
My name is Jesús Quiñones, a mastering engineer. I'm the founder and engineer at Zeven Sound. Like you, I pursue my passion in the music industry, and I always take pride in sharing my latest projects. My commitment is to support labels and producers worldwide in refining and achieving the highest possible sound quality.
Recent Successes
"Definitely would like to work with her again, worked and communicated professionaly, quickly and with great quality. "
"It's a pleasure to work with Kennedy once again. I definitely recommend it."
"Paul is a great communicator and a fast worker. We went back and forth a lot so he could make sure the comp I wanted was perfect. He gave me a lot of options and made sure to clear them through me first before attempt..."
"My impression of Grant is, that he's the multitalent in Nashville, artists are looking for. He understands the soul of music in his songwriting. He let's the energy flow in his performances. I worked with him on a de..."
"Another excellent track by Franz! Totally nailed it!"
"Five stars aren't enough ! In the years I have been working with Mella she has never, ever let me down. Not only are her talent and inspiration limitless, her pitching always spot-on, but over time I have also come to..."
"Working with Scott is so much fun his vocals and professionalism are 2nd to none, it's a pleasure to work with someone who show's so much passion and excitement to the music, his vocals are epic and it's been an Aweso..."
"Grant went above and beyond to deliver drum tracks for my project that were even better than I could have possibly hoped. His playing perfectly captured the vibe that I was aiming for, with great time, groovy pocket f..."