Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Plunge Pool
Remote mixing & mastering on a budget. I will take your recorded tracks and turn them into a finished and polished song.
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Hello, My name is Adi Goldstein and im a composer, music producer, programmer, piano and keyboard player, Im have 25 years experience in studio recording and live performance and i would be happy to help you with your project!
Real old skool act. Happy with evetything from tape to DAW..... Responsible for some iconic 80's .... Gary Numan , Go West and others
Hello! My name is Alejandro Cornejo. I'm a music producer, Mixing and Mastering engineer. If you need help with any of those things, don't hesitate to contact me. My work motto is to listen, connect and give everything I can so that your project has the shape you want.
Purple Lemon Sound offers advantageous work on your project. While supplying and encouraging a permissive, communicative experience with your project to ensure your goal in mind is achieved.
Composer and arranger for progressive rock.
Audio engineer, EDM, trap, rock producer.
High quality and quick turnaround with a highly experienced performing and recording saxophonist. Able to deliver solos or parts across genres such as Pop, Funk, Jazz, Electronic Music and much more! Excited to work with you, get in touch and tell me about your project!
Recent Successes
"Brandon is an incredibly talented person to work with. He literally brought my track to life and I highly, highly recommend working with him. "
"Kevin may not have the greatest voice but he has nice and good ideas for the topline projects that we provided him. "
"Scott is a fantastic pianist and totally brought my song to life. Couldn't be happier! If you need professional piano tracks, you need Scott!"
"This is my 3rd time working with Michal and as usual, she did an outstanding job, delivering the final tracks in only a few days. She provided a great mood for the song and sung in style that I couldn't even imagine ..."
"The time and effort put into the work is awesome..THANK YOU,,!!!!!!"
"Excellent work! Very inspired arrangements and fantastic quality. Will definitely work with Martin again."
"I ordered again and he did amazing as always! Perfect quality and quick to understand what I needed!!"
"Paul's extraordinary talent as a pianist is nothing short of awe-inspiring. It is an absolute privilege and a heartwarming honor to have the opportunity to collaborate with such an incredibly gifted musician."
"It was amazing to have the opportunity to have one of my songs remixed by StoneBridge and loved his take on the track, plus the turnaround was quicker than I expected! Would highly recommend working with him!"