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Płock Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Steven Sweet is an award winning songwriter and has had numerous productions featured on a variety of traditional and online radio stations. He holds a degree in audio engineering from Full Sail University, is a certified Pro Tools operator, and has experience working in a prominent recording studio in Burbank, CA.
Music Producer, Remote mixing and mastering, Remote Acoustic/Electric guitar recording.
A versatile, creative, and inventive musician who can record acoustic piano for your project. These pianos include a 1970s Yamaha U3 - The Broadwood Baby Grand is undergoing minor restoration. The audio sample on my profile features raw recordings of the Yamaha U3. My website link features my Broadwood. I also offer MIDI/digital solutions.
Along with my friend and section partner, trumpeter Julio Diaz, we've played on and arranged horn sessions for hundreds of artists. We've played countless live shows together and sound like a real section (not just whoever was available that day). Our credits cover the best of pop, latin, country, americana, blues, and christian recording artists.
Take Your Sound to The Next Level
Hello I am Ret Alex - Music producer My production company Janus EVOLution Ltd provide services for recording, mixing, remixing, editing, producing, mastering, writing, featuring artists (Singers, Rappers, Musicians). My mixes are being featured in Radio 6 UK (Gilles Peterson) Radio 1,2 Releasing a double album - 2021
Hi I’m here to help others and start my music carrier. As a child this it all I ever wanted so if there is a way I can help then plz contact me.(:
We are a duo of guitarists specializing in orchestral music composition. Our personal project explores experimental orchestral music, integrating both modern and traditional harmony techniques. Our guitar expertise spans a range of styles, including flamenco, tango, Latin American music, jazz, and classical music.
Recent Successes
"Diamond in the rough and I found it! Great instrumental!!! -140"
"Done several jobs now with Tempo and his collaborative and genuine commitment to making world class music is always reassuring and impressive. Now only are his vocals pristine, but his understanding of singing nuance ..."
"Great experience with David he is a Man of his word! "
"Awesome! listened to all my demands and complied quickly! cannot recommend enough"
"Another great guitar lead track by Ben. Great to work with. Speedy response and professional. I will definitely be sending him more of my music in the future."
"Patrick is a very professional producer. Perfect production, vocal recording and sound design. I will work for the next songs with him 👌. Thank you Patrick for all and for your patient."
"Completed my 4th track (I think) with Alex and I can't wait for the next one. He's super fast and efficient "
"Matt did an amazing job as always. Super professional, creative, and easy to work with. Absolutely took the song to the next level with his drumming."
"Matt is a supremely good mixer—he was attentive to my requests throughout, and handled a significant curveball I threw his way without breaking a sweat!"
"Working with Marcos was great. He is extremely professional and prompt and also incredibly patient. The project turned out better than I could have hoped, I am very happy and grateful. Thank you and looking forward to..."