Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Robocop: Rogue City OST
I'm here to help you sound memorable. Powerful mixes, gritty vocals & great service!
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Let's remix your song into a banger! Worked w/ Katy Perry, The Game, Ty Dolla $ign, Soulja Boy & Sia. Graduated from Berklee College of Music. Worked @ BadBoy & Interscope. Taught @ Icon Collective & 1500 Sound Academy. I have an efficient workflow & terrific communication skills to make things fun & easy!
Hello there, my name is Ignacio and my friends know me by the alias ''RZMTZ'' I'm kinda newbie but i guarantee doing my best if you hire me :)
As a Grammy Voting Member, a platinum record recipient, touring musician, scoring, arranging and recording, Sonic Discovery Studio was created to bring this experience and professionalism to your music. We are knowledgeable and can work with artists of all levels. Call or email to talk about how we can help.
Life is short
I have years of experience in songwriting and guitar. I have written and performed many successful songs. Let me help you make some cosmic butter
I will do contemporary music and sound design for you
Producer/Audio engineer from NY. Willing to work with anyone, regardless of budget. Hit me up! markproducedthat@gmail.com
Recent Successes
"Extremely good communication, and amazing voice! Definitely recommend! "
"Rob gave me an AWESOME mix that I was very with in a great turnaround time ! Very much looking forward to work with him again in the future! :D "
"My second time working with her and I can tell you she always delivers in every aspect possible - top quality voice, top quality communication, top quality writing, and she's just really friendly and easy going so ide..."
"Perfect as usual Ziv! THANK YOU!"
"Tyree is always a pleasure to work with because he always exceeds my expectations. Best guy! ⚡️"
"Ryan's horn recordings are first class. And his communication and workflow is so professional. Definitely want to hire him again."
"Michael was a pleasure to work with. He was professional, quick, and so kind. He created a beautiful piano rendition of my song. And was kind enough to make a couple of revisions for free. Can't wait to work with him ..."
"Working with Nicholas is always a great experience! This time was classic rock'n'roll track with a tenor sax section and a solo. Big sound, raw attitude!"
"I love working with Chris and his team! They’re able to give life to a small idea and make it an incredibly well produced track. The final product was unbelievable, surpassing my expectations. Of course I’ll be back!!"
"Another fantastic vocal performance and interpretation of one of my songs by Stephen. Couldn't ask for any more."
"Once again he is amazing, supper blessed to had found him. He is a pure soul and a remarkable artist himself. Fanciful & Chimerical. "