Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with PipeTreze
Hello! I'm Danilo. I have been making and working with Instrumentals, of different genres, for over 6 years. If you are looking for a producer with experience in the industry and great work, you are in the right place. Send me what you have in mind and let's make some of your best work happen! 😃
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Hey, Im Orel, I Write producer and record music and I play many instruments.
Former bass/keys/background singer for Audio Adrenaline (two GRAMMY® Awards, five GMA Dove Awards, a GOLD®-certified recording, and 14 #1 Christian radio singles) as well as lead singer/rhythm guitar player/primary songwriter for Wavorly (2 #1 Christian radio singles). I play piano, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass, drums, and sing.
Singing is a passion, music is my life. After studying at the Lisbon Conservatory, I sang in wedding ceremonies and opera events. But I fell in love with other music styles and fronted multi-genre cover bands and big bands performing at events, galas, TV shows. I also toured as back-vocals for famous artists with concerts as big as 30,000.
I will write you a banger of a song, or I provide aggressive, exciting vocals for your song, or I can provide top notch beats or production. And I have people accessible in the Lit AF family to pitch in if your project may require extra sets of eyes or ears. We believe in perfection, fire ass music, and energy that makes the blood flow.
Hey I'm Aryaka Shukla I'm a Singer and a Musician.
Make your songs radio quality. https://rumble.com/c/c-1398476
Want your EDM songs to be competitive with today’s top tracks? I’ll make your tracks sound like bangers.
Recent Successes
"Wes is just Amazing !!!"
"Hands down one of the best Mixers, Had alot of patience to deal with me and was quick with responses and give me the ideal song I wanted to be mixed and sounded like! Would Hire him over and over for the amazing effor..."
"I have worked with Andrés on many occasions, he is my go-to guy! Always great results! Thanks, Terry "
"All the drums sound great, delivered full of good ideas. Great work, fast and reliable, always recommended!"
"It was a pleasure to work with Gary. He provided several tasteful takes in a timely manner. I know I'll be working with him again soon."
"Hey Rita, it was really great to work with you again. You have a fabulos voice, great musical knowlege (second voices...) and it's just really nicce to work with you. I can highly recommend you ;-)"
"I hired Dakota to produce a demo from a worktape and to lay down the vocals. It was an all-around great experience. He did an excellent job capturing the song's vibe, understood and implemented my notes seamlessly, an..."
"Alex is the king of mixing and vocals! He understood exactly what I needed for my project and has the best vocal processing and mixing I've ever heard on my music after years in the industry. A one of a kind talent an..."