Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Piezas
I've made music for Nokia and Microsoft back in 2015. Also got featured on most of the specialiced media outlets of the EDM Trap scene when it was a thing. As a beatmaker I've made beats for more than 1000 artists all around the world.
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Music producer, beat maker and synth player with a very experimental sound.
Soy músico hace 40 años y 20 como productor. Toco bajo, guitarras y teclados. Trabajé para la emisora de radio FM Metro y actualmente creando artística sonora en FM Urbana Play. Realice la banda sonora de 12 obras de teatro y la música de publicidades e institucionales para marcas como Budweiser, La Rural, National Geographic y Disney.
Soy una fuente ,creador de ideas y creativo
Las mejores instrumentales de reggaeton personalizadas. Con 4 años en el sector, llevo la producción a un nivel superior con beats que harán que tus canciones triunfen y crezcas tanto musicalmente como en redes. También ofrezco servicios de mezcla y master para que tus canciones suenen profesionales aunque hayan sido grabadas desde tu cuarto.
Ingeniero de Grabación, Mezcla, Artista Sonoro from Chile. 15 años de experiencia
Soy Licenciada en Artes escénicas, Profesora de canto y tengo mis propias producciones musicales en todas las plataformas. He ganado varios concursos de canto de mi Provincia.
¡Hola a todos! Soy Sergio Johan Arévalo Romero, conocido como Sergio J Romero. Soy un productor musical, artista y músico independiente colombiano. Me apasiona crear y producir música, mezclando géneros como EDM, electrónica y reguetón. Me esfuerzo por crear temas únicos y variados para todos ustedes.
Flexible and creative composer who deals well with the client and a performer who played in front of thousands of people I specialize in soundtracks, songwriting, film music, musical arrangements, music for video games etc. I also offer my services as a session musician. I'm opened to negociations and lower prices.
Recent Successes
"Matt was a pleasure to work with - got the sound and direction straight up, and was great with communication and feedback all the way through."
"It was great working with Sydney. Awesome voice, good communicator."
"Jesse is a true professional. I've worked with him for a 9 songs album. The most important aspect for me is the sound and his mixes sound awesome! The communication was great. I am really happy to know Jesse and got o..."
"Huge fan of this guy. Not just a great singer. He's a great person. Great son. See it all insta for years. His great music is just the energy of who he is coming out in the music. So he's great to work with. Follows t..."
"I came back to Gerard for another mix, master, and assist with production for a new record. As always he was reliable, insightful, and added so much depth to my record. He gave me suggestions and fully understood to m..."
"Alex is always smashing his work out of the park. 9 songs with him now. That speaks volumes. "
"Multiple projects with Lydia. Very gifted professional and great to work with. The process of working with such a talented pianist and vocalist is efficient and seamless. Always great outcomes... We'll do this again!"
"Working with Yash Gruzman was an absolute pleasure from start to finish. He was incredibly receptive to my feedback, while also infusing the project with his unique creativity and expertise. The end result was more t..."
"Diego is the most amazing artist I have come across - He gets the vibe you are looking for - you can give him words that express what you are looking for - a beat or sound like Baa Baa Buup for a trombone and He pulls..."