Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with piano and flute duet
Composer and musician, inspired and ready to write beautiful music.
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Hello my name is Giovanni and I'm an composer of electronic music. I studied piano and continuing whit electric bass and keyboards sound synthesis. Then I studied all the various stages of a complete production mixing and then finalizing (Mastering) of music.
Musician & producer specialised in mastering, programming natural sounding drums and bass
Rogue Star is Music producer specialised in Beat making, Mixing and Mastering
My objective is to make your music, spoken word or effects sound the best they can.
The perfect voice to melt hearts, touch souls, and even make you chuckle (Queen of ad libs on a playful track) As a Producer, I bring the vibe. I love walking new artists through the process of completing their recordings and releases. Lets's make some awesome, memorable music!
I’m Tobias, a mixing engineer with a passion for rock, metal, punk, and indie. From powerful guitar riffs to smooth, emotive vocals, I craft mixes that showcase your sound. If you want tracks that hit hard and feel authentic, let’s connect and bring your vision to life!
At Inklusive Kulture Music, we Master, Collaborate and Distribute music. We ’re all about making good music and keeping our artists happy! Visit https://dotechub.com/
Bring Your Project to Life with Epic and Emotional Orchestral Music! 🎻🎶
Recent Successes
"Great voice, great interpretation, gives performance. I will use her again in the next couple of days"
"AMAZING EXPERIENCE! Kuyano really blew my mind with his dedicated and thorough work on my brand new pop song: he made it alive!! Also, he perseveringly removed the noises and remade some lost effects to make the s..."
"It is such pleasure to work with Suwon, She is a PRO, yet very down to earth, so easy to work with her, she arranging my song, honestly the demo that I sent to her, very flat and boring, and she leveled up that song t..."
"Josh did such a great job making me sound amazing! I was a little worried with this song but I’m really happy with what he did. I’m using him in the future, definitely"
"I had the pleasure of working with Marla for the first time recently and I was blown away by her talent and enthusiasm. I’m looking forward to working with her again. Highly recommended. "
"F*cking sick work!! Tomorrowland loved it 🔥"
"Charles is a pleasure to work with - fast, intuitive, and a true professional. American Roots, he's the best! I'd be honored to work with him on future projects. Peace, Gary Wayne Clark "
"Caroline was super professional and easy to work with. She did exactly what I asked for and delivered beautiful vocals. "