Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Phillip Broussard jr
We are two twin brothers, world beatbox champions. Traveling around the world and inspiring people. We write music from our own sounds as well as electronic / soundtracks / artist production.
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My goal is very simple: Delivering the highest quality for your productions with prompt, courteous and personalized service.
Hello, We Are Everywherecords, Home Small Business who works in many projects, such as : Audio Production, if you want to hire us, we'll be worked hard to do as good as you want, and guaranteed Re-worked from us if you don't satisfied with our results.
We respect that you have a difficult decision to make when selecting your next producer; Spending a lot of money, without knowing what the end result will be is always difficult. We'll make you a promise though, if your song with us doesn't hit at least 50,000 streams in the first three months of being released, we'll give you a full refund.
Give me one of your previous tracks and hear the difference.
Guitarist, producer and engineer.
Two Time Billboard Charting Artist and Award Winning Songwriter
I am here to create dynamic, musical, and nuanced mixes that bring your music to life.
I have a bachelor's degree in music, and I've produced numerous albums. An SMU student used one of my songs in her final senior film project. Another song of mine was used on a VH1 TV show. My composition, editing, mixing, and mastering skills are the top-notch result of years of experience and professional tools.
Recent Successes
"I am seriously getting shivers from what Parish sent back to me. He really understood what I wanted and made sure to give the song exactly what it needed. If you are looking for someone to write lyrics & topline that ..."
"Don is an amazing Mix/Master Engineer that perfected my song. He is very patient and listens to every concern I had. A joy to work with and I recommend him. Simply the best!"
"Chris,The most professional professional musician! drum sounds so so so great!! very muscial, I love this guy!He has a great recording studio!not homestudio!!"
"Matty treated my project with love and care. Very quick to respond and was happy to provide thorough feedback on my mixes before he mastered them. Quick to deliver my masters and happy to make any tweaks I had. Would..."
"Pure genius. Highly skilled and way ahead of his time. "
"Courtney was incredible to work with. She understood the brief perfectly, was totally receptive to feedback and far surpassed my expectations. Thank you!"
"Super friendly and helpful. Amazing voice and really brought out my song. Exactly what I was looking for and came through in all aspects of my wants and needs. Thanes for all your help. You killed it!!! Can’t wait to..."
"Ziv really went beyond expectations! Definitely my go-to guitarist now. Thank you"
"Best Music Producer, highly recommended! He is very nice and patience. He can do good music and autotune perfectly! :)"