Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with ph4rr377
With years of experience in music production and a deep understanding of hyperpop's distinctive sound, I bring a unique combination of technical expertise and creative vision to every project.
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Hello, I am Genniva, also known as Omenseekrsounds. I have been a professional singer for many years with a particularly keen interest in music production. This passion for music production led me to Point Blank Electronic Music School London. There I studied and achieved a Production And Sound Engineering Master Diploma and I continue to grow.
If you need a guitar tracks for your song or killer solo don't hesitate!
Hello! I’m Zahra Black, a music producer and audio engineer from sunny Scotland at Black Waves Audio.
Tell me what you want, and I'll execute it. Professionally trained and highly experienced multi-genre Vocalist, Songwriter, and Arranger. Funk, A Cappella, Jazz, R&B, Pop, Gospel, Soul, Classical & Choral Music.
Session Guitarist who has produced major label albums and written sonic branding for worldwide clients.
Our of the box composition and production of good music.
. Keyboard Magician . Saucy Producer . from Portugal with love
I am a Producer and Engineer with over a decade of experience working in music. (Previous clients include: Third Man Records/Jack White, Jon Spencer, Bonny Doon, Wingtips, Ganser)
Recent Successes
"Curtis was a pleasure to work with. He understood exactly what I was looking for and delivered top quality tracks at an extremely fast turnaround. Wonderful sound quality and musicianship and great communication. I hi..."
"I produced many different songs in the last days with Rudiger. He is a great singer. It was a very great pleasure for me to work with him."
"Calvin went above and beyond to produce vocals for me that were just what I wanted. I really appreciate him going the extra mile. His voice is great - I'm loving hearing him on my song - he understands pop and soul an..."
"Adam crushed this project. Full transparency, I had another mastering engineer take a shot at this track for my own curiosity and it didn't even compare to what Mount Olympia did. I don't know how he does it, but the ..."
"Graham did a crazy job on my track “Fall” whenever I had given suggestions or ideas he put them in but also had ideas of his own that really made the song. With string sections and drums he did a amazing job. Thankyou."
"Yoed is fantastic to work with and his string arrangements are absolutely amazing! This was my second project with him but definitely not the last. He is highly recommended! "
"Her voice, energy, vibe, the whole lot is great I loved working with her and I got some amazing vocals from absolutely the best!!!"