Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Performed Regularly in Time Square NYC
Established 2010 and based in New England, Spectrum Wave Studios is a stationary and mobile facility looking to expand their client base in editing, mixing, and mastering.
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"1/4Acústico Live Studio" is a pro recording facility where you can do rehersals and record them in an audio controlled environment. The brand has been active in Querétaro City, México. Over 3 years with professional audio engineers and musicians dedicated to give the best for your musical needs and finest ears.
I specialize in recording, editing, and mixing music. I have years of experience as a session artist recording on numerous songs in multiple recording studios as well. All sessions include an engineer. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
The best result is my priority.
Great availability and dedication to work, for a good result!
Award-winning, Billboard charting powerhouse, Nicki Kris is more than just a singer and songwriter, she is an empowered female voice with a passionate mission. Her original music has been featured in award-winning movies, TV shows, and on radio stations worldwide.
I am a professional Music Producer and Sound Engineer, available for your music needs.
Professional vocalist, songwriter, and producer with 1M Spotify streams, writing with Universal. Specialising in pop, dance, cinematic/soundtrack and commercials. Over 1 million streams on Spotify. Tracks featured on BBC One, BBC2, Channel 4, Sky, TBN and more.
I'm a Sound designer and musician specialized in Sound Art, Sound Narratives (Podcasts, Audiopapers, Soundscapes, etc.) and Audiovisual Media. Working with sound since 2010.
Recent Successes
"What can I say about Daramola. This dude is an absolute BEAST. It literally took him one day to write, record and produce vocals for an entire instrumental I sent him, and the final product was amazing. Will defini..."
"Shawn is the truth for real. All disrespect to Paul Pierce. I've never seen the type of fast turn around, on point mixing that I have seen with this guy and I have worked with a few SoundBetter engineers. I love his c..."
"Joey's got a amazingly awesome voice and will surely have more songs for those great vocals!"
"After 15 years as a producer and engineer, this was quite possibly my best experience yet working with someone to master my track. Fast, attentive, professional, HIGH QUALITY - omg, the gear used changed the tone of m..."
"Yoed is amazing. He has been on many of my songs now!"