Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Performed as backing vocalist/featured vocalist on world tour with prog rock band Royal Hunt
Versatile expert vocalist and songwriter. Artist on NBC The Voice (Team Blake.) Vocal ad placements with Maybelline, Bloomingdales, JC Penny, Mastercard, Poo Pourri, Spotify CEO and more. Ranging from Soul/Pop to Musical Theater to Cinematic vocal styles. Voice of LOL Surprise doll Lonestar theme song sold in stores worldwide. Prompt turnaround!
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I'm an American vocalist specializing in jazz, blues, and latin styles. I'm interested in all types of music..so I keep an open mind. Would love to get into more commercial work. ;)
New Wave Hip-Hop/Trap Producer Worked with Small Market Artists: Dogthief, One Red Fox, Morsifire, Ella Raphael, AQ, Madjik Tha Soul Rebel, and more. Looking for artists to help produce and develop their body of work. I'm a full solution, Producing, Mixing, and Mastering. Start to Finish. @Stroobzbeats www.Stroobz.com
I produce music. always searching for collab partners!
Soundscape your music by using my producingskills and musical abilities
Hey, I'm Mary! I am a professional singer, songwriter, producer and top-liner. I love working with other musicians to create projects, as well as help artists and songwriters bring their visions to life. I can provide vocals, original songwriting and lyrics, feedback and advice, production of vocals and demos, etc.
I love making music, being in the studio, singing, rapping, doing lyrics at home, on the go, or on vacation (anywhere it doesn't matter) It has always been a passion of mine ever since I was a kid. I am very outgoing, respectful, and just really stay true to myself and what I want to do, and I am here to help you write lyrics for your songs.
Professional Musician, Guitarrist and producer for bands.
Created music for Netflix, Disney, Amazon, TLC, Country Music Channel and more. Produced over twenty records.Adept in Logic Pro X. Specializing in clever, memorable lyrics as well as Tin Pan Alley pop. Quick response and turnaround.
Recent Successes
"Ashley is a true professional! Delivers world class vocals and is very easy to work with. Always making sure that she gets everything just right. Would definitely recommend!"
"It was a pleasure working with Joel. His voice was perfect for my song! Not only does he have a great voice, but he is friendly to work with and very professional. Highly recommended!"
"Beyond delivering great, style-specific bossa nova guitar tracks for my project, Matt was communicative with his progress, responsive when I reached out, and very open to feedback - I'll definitely be reaching out again."
"I couldn't have been happier with George! He's an amazing singer, a really cool guy and he's always ready to try things to improve the songs. Do yourself a favour and hire him!"
"I started talking with Mariami here on SB and let her listen to the RAW demo of my track. We agreed and she helped me from a theme to produce lyrics for the track. Instant connection and well done work from her! ..."
"Another great project with Ryan"
"Mike did another fantastic job on keys. Love the creativity and ear for giving life to songs with just a few notes. Very fun process and great music! Highly recommend. "
"Robert always hits it out of the park with any of my projects. He adds new flavor to all of them and gives them new life. "
"Glad I had the chance to work with Flumer. Out of 12 other producers that replyed to my post/order I pick Flumeri and after he'd done his work on my song/project I was more than please. His work stands out and very ..."