Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Paulé
With experience from Netflix, Amazon and Disney, plus collaborations with artists like Edgar Alejandro, Cachas de Oro, and Paulé, I bring top-notch quality and genuine passion to every project. Let's work together and bring the best out of your projects!
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# 1 ON SOUNDBETTER BASS REVIEWS! Grammy winner. Deep pocket bass and keys. The bass part often determines the overall feel and vibe of a song, and a human performing that part adds something that a sample often can't quite get to. You owe it to yourself and your music to bring the very best.
Passionate lover of acoustic guitars, dobro, banjo, mandolins, ukulele, cuban tres, resonators. My acoustic work can be heard on Neil Young " Storytone" (2014), on Shawn Colvin "The Starlighter" (2018), Matt Redman "These Christmas lights" (2016), "The day I met El Chapo" (Netflix). Bluegrass fanatic. listen to my last CD "Do the right thing".
Hi! I am Rafael Freitas, a professional bass player and producer based in Nashville, TN. I do in-person and remote sessions, delivering top quality tracks in any musical style. My works include Aaron Spears, Chase Holfelder, Charles Berthoud, NIVEA, Davie504 and many other artists, producers and companies from all around the world.
I would love to work with you on your project! I've spent over 700 hours doing session work (both remote and on-site), and feel confident I can help your song be the best it can be. Whether you need violin/fiddle, composition help, vocals, acoustic guitar, or songwriting I am your guy. Check me out on Spotify, iTunes, Instagram , TikTok, Twitch
Bruce is a long time touring and session bassist. He is currently working on recordings that include drummer Matt Starr and guitarist Joel Hoekstra and is the touring bassist for Lacy J. Dalton. Past acts worked with include David Frizzell, Paulette Carlson, Shawn Barker, The Man In Black Show, and numerous other acts.
I am a professional drummer with several years of performance and studio experience. I love being creative with my drumming and pushing the envelope to find your right sound. My drumming is a great way to add more energy to your track, or maybe you want a nice in the pocket feel, I can do it all. I'm friendly and punctual and above all I am a pro.
Professional screen composer. I have written music for multiple feature films. I strive to create music that will elevate storytelling, whether that is orchestral, ambient, electronic, or something entirely unique.
Genre-crossing Violinist/Fiddle player who’s toured with the Eagles, Dustin Lynch, Jenna Paulette, Kat Hasty, Zane Williams, etc., and played shows with The Who, video game orchestras, and various rock bands. Recorded with Polyphonic Spree. I ran a recording studio for five years, producing and engineering country, pop, rock, and gospel projects.
Recent Successes
"Thomas was e delight to work with. Very fast and professional. We asked multiple times to change small thing to get everything right and every time he did it perfectly. Will work again for sure!"
"Lonny communicated really well and offered some great ideas before we even got started. He sent over several guitar parts very quickly and they were so great that no revisions were even necessary. I'll be working with..."
"Kuyano is really professional, Fast and You will get great quality.He's nice to work with. He will give you feedback (if needed) on what you need to change on your mix to make sure the music sounds even better. I high..."
"Excellent work as always. Its a pleasure working with you!"
"Thank you, Benny, It has been a pleasure working with you. I hope we can work together again in the future"
"This guy is a true professional with his craft. Great communication, patient, and able to create a product that will exceed expectations. You can't lose when selecting Quincy to help take your song to the next level!"
"Actual message: "Andres, Wow! I'm actually sitting in my car weeping! I wrote this on Monday, recorded it yesterday. And you mastered it beautifully today. I can barely speak. I don't know what else to say but THANK Y..."
"The nicest person on Soundbetter. :) It was a real pleasure working with Leonel, a true professional, and delivered exactly the performance I wanted. Will definitely work with him again soon. "
"Ryan Courtney is an absolute 'standout' male vocalist... on this project we needed someone who could carry a simple idea and we're blown away with what he delivered. Such a blessing to have had an opportunity to work ..."