Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with paul hawksworth
Multiple commercial releases on Paraíso (Warner Music Benelux), Soave etc + millions of streams on Spotify alone. Worked with Grammy winning recording engineer Chris G Wilkinson. Exciting and emerging dance vocalist, songwriter and guitarist with over 10 years experience writing and performing in the music industry.
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Hi! My name is Adam Burucs. I do mixing and mastering and I also write technical articles about music and audio for the Tutsplus network. http://tutsplus.com/authors/adam-burucs
Innovation in digital mastering for electronic music.
I provide quality work with a quick turnaround!
Marcelo Ezquiaga, producer, composer, arranger, musician, piano player from Buenos Aires. Out to the world.
I can take your music to the next level. My years of experience in the industry have allowed me to develop a keen ear for detail and a strong understanding of the technical side of music production. I have the tools and know-how to bring your vision to life. Get a professional mix for less.
I’m a Pro Tools user, I am originally from St. Thomas, USVI but have lived in St. Croix for while. I have work with many all around the Caribbean and more.
Jolynn J Chin is a Grammy-considered crossover pianist, composer, and producer, specializing in progressive, time-changing piano music. Known for her innovative approach, Jolynn blends her classical training with modern sounds, creating virtuosic compositions that incorporate beats, electronic elements, and off-time rhythms.
Looking for bewitching, powerful vocals à la Norah Jones, Florence Welch, Lana Del Rey, Regina Spektor, Fiona Apple, or Bjork?
Recent Successes
"Scott did more than I expected and delivered awesome vocals for my new track! very fast and reliable to work with, understands what you mean and has no problems to take some revisions if needed to make you happy with ..."
"My first album and I wanted it to be the best I could. I reviewed three ways to do the Master (web service, SW plugin or hire a professional). I decided to hire a David. It was the best choice. The web service gave an..."
"Marcello is the master of vocals and full production. I thought I had a really great song ... and then I received the final product from Marcello, who knocked it out of the park...TOP NOTCH!!! It sure is nice workin..."
"Top job again with Austin. True professional. "
"Just perfect. As usual. If you need to record a guitar, ask Matt!"
"Nicolas is a total pro and great to work with!"
"Amazing producer!"
"Amazing mixing engeneer! Got our somg to sound huge exactly like we wanted it. The whole process was very fluid and we really felt Ariel cared. Would definitely recommend."
"Incredible execution and sense for musicality with every track Yoed works on - can't recommend more!!"