Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Patron
"Versatile Istanbul-based music producer: 15+ years of exp, 300+ songs produced, 200M+ streams. Guitar, bass, keys, drums, diverse genres. Let's create magic!
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Pop/Urban Writer and Recording Artist Thats Get it Done!
Fernando Monk is a Chilean singer-songwriter. From a very young age he has shown his love for singing, participating in musicals and student festivals. In 2019 he launched his musical career with his first single Perdamos El Aliento. After four singles, in 2021 he released his first album Sin Patrones, wich includes six new dance pop songs.
VIVEK SAMUEL worked with some of the top organizations and brands and talents including multinational companies, government agencies, associations and federations to create amazing experiences in locations both large & small.Our specialty is creating extraordinary events with innovative designs,entertainment,
Am well known in my school and my street
Ingeniero de grabación y mezcla, trabajando con Pro tools y Studio One. Créditos en co-producción, grabación, mezcla y mastering: El sol de los Gitanos de: José Panzekito Jr. Créditos en grabación: La Vampiresa de Ariel Ragues Créditos en grabación y mezcla: Almas de Jorge Gamboa Patron
Sounds, static, and noise complaints coming from a garage in Chicago.
- Unlimited revisions - Custom made beats - You will pay only if you like my work! -
Recent Successes
"Matty is really talented, easy to work with and made my vision come to reality. Will look forward to working with him again. Highly recommended! 👍 👍 👍"
"A pleasure to work with Andres, would definitely recommend to anyone looking for world-class mastering!"
"Sakari is the best! Incredibly precise and fast! She has the most wonderful voice with so much soul and feeling!"
"he is a great guitarist, he puts his heart into his work to achieve the sound I have in mind, I'm very grateful for that "
"Cole definitely made me a banger, I gave him 100% control over the project and he definitely gave it the feel I was looking for. I will definitely be working with Cole again on future projects"
"Vivek did everything professionally. He came up the text and record it down himself. Everything was of the highest quality and fast enough. Thanks."
"I recently had a track mastered by Aaron Roman on Soundbetter, and the results are nothing short of spectacular! Aaron's expertise brought out the best in my music, adding a touch of sonic brilliance that elevated it ..."
"Matt was an absolute pleasure to work with and I'm extremely happy with the results. His professionalism, knowledge, skill, and communication were all exceptional. I would be glad to work with him again on future proj..."