Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jarfaiter
- Unlimited revisions - Custom made beats - You will pay only if you like my work! -
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Producer & Composer from Paris
Make music sound better.
Music producer, mixing and mastering engineer with 10+ years in the industry. Credits include Warner Records, Sony, and Universal Music. My job is to bring the fullest potential of your song and make it shine. I'll take your demo vocals and main elements to a fully produced track. I've had the opportunity to engineer and work with some of the bigg
Quiero llevar tu música al siguiente nivel, soy creador de pistas, guitarrista, y cantante, y me encantaría poder hacer que tu música suene genial y darte lo que estabas buscando, ¡o incluso más!. Me caracterizo por dar muchísimo trabajo en la música buscar que suene lo mejor posible darle interpretación y buscar algo que le de originalidad.
Educators Lodge multi-talented team has been providing extraordinary academic writing services to assist students who rely on us to secure their grades. Have a look at testimonials of our happy customers!
Make it huge.
- Unlimited revisions - Custom made beats - You will pay only if you like my work! -
Experienced Mix Engineer | Enhancing Your Sound with the power of Analog Gear
Recent Successes
"Work with Lachi it's Always a pleasure. When I give her a complex song she arrive with her originality in her research at marvelous result. Congratulations Lachi !!"
"Arthur is really great to work with. Apart from producing, he offered his honest opinion, advice, and suggestions. Looking forward to the next project together. "
"Zach, Did an amazing job with this song and was awesome to work with and made sure he got it just right!!!! Will come Back For Sure!!!!!"
"Orville provided exactly what I needed and went above and beyond to make sure I was happy with everything. A very talented guitarist with a great ear for music. So glad to have worked with him on this project!"
"Killian Cruiser is an excellent producer. "
"This was my second time working with Micah, this time on 3 songs for both mixing and mastering. Micah is very skilled at getting all of the parts in my heavily textured songs to live comfortably together and create a ..."
"Chris is a consummate professional. Editing can be a pain at times, but he always finds a way to get the job done. Nothing but good things to say! "
"I did all my own drumming and programming on my album but when I hired Alex to work on one of my tracks, I hired him to re-do all the drums and programming on the album. That's a testament on how brilliant, creative a..."