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Patra Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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specializing in Audio Post for film, tv, and web
I'm an composer and producer
Hi, I'm Elad Sikel, a respected musician and composer with 20 years of experience. My emotive compositions are known for capturing the essence of emotion, and I've had the privilege of contributing to hundreds of songs with top artists both live and in the studio.
Recording Engineer in Toronto!
Get the Mix and Master that you want with clarity, punch and balance. You'll have your song ready to distribute! I work with you to make sure that our combined vision is achieved.
Hi! I'd like to think of myself as a surgeon when it comes to music. I like to stitch together certain compressions, eqs, delays, reverbs, and effects to find the perfect mix. I'm very meticulous of my work. There is a sense of freedom when mixing, mastering, recording, or track cleanup. I've been doing this for 10 years. Book today!
Notfen a.k.a. Beat Hero Initially singer in the Italian punk band "Late Sound Delivery" Influenced by Hip Hop & Trip Hop and a mixture of genres, independent artist Notfen produces music of an original quality
Zoey Tess is a multifaceted singer, songwriter, and music producer, renowned for her eclectic range of compositions within the contemporary and popular music genres. Born January 1, 1993, in Coral Springs, Florida, Tess’s musical odyssey commenced early, influenced by her aunt, the late film and television actress Corinne Camacho.
Recent Successes
"Simon has been one of the best people I have collaborated with on this platform. He is highly communicative, thoughtful, and diligent in his work. What's more, he possesses all the talents you seek in a producer and m..."
"Cameron is awesome! Super patient and willing to work on a song until it gets to the sound you're happy with. I'm really satisfied with his work, and he helped me clean up a song I was struggling with for a minute. ..."
"Another great mix from Vintage division. Done about 8 now with him. Always very responsive and accommodating "
"Always a pleasure working with Dibs! He's got a great ear and responds in a timely manner. Highly recommend. "
"Jonas is one of those rare drummers who really knows the genres he excels in, but has the musical chops to step outside of it in service of the song. This is why I work with him. I send him demos, some vague notes and..."
"Another rock song, another superb delivery from Hugo!"
"Great Voice! Profound technique and technically well versed"
"Once again. Stellar. I don't even know what to say about this artist/writer/magician. Pure magic. I can't even find the words to be honest. "
"Absolutely thrilled with the exceptional quality of the mastering and the seamless, swift communication; this engineer truly elevated my project to another level. 10/10 recommended!"
"My dear Kimera is the most amazing singer I have ever known. Naturally, she is number 1 on SoundBetter. There is absolutely nothing she can't do with her voice. From a client's perspective, it's a worry-free, all-incl..."