Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Parisa Shahmir (UK)
Professional Songwriter, Producer, Topliner, Vocalist & Artist with over 2.5 million worldwide streams.
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TedyP is a Stellar Award nominated producer with dozens of billboard charting records nationally and internationally. Hailing from Baton Rouge, LA, TedyP earned his Bachelor of Arts in music composition and performance from Southern University. From his personality to his work ethic, you can expect a world class experience working with TedyP.
If you need any of your music mixed & mastered quickly, efficiently, & sounding great for an upcoming project I am in the studio 24 hours a day working to get you that top tier sound you're searching for!
Mixing MASTERING track
Music saved my life, im from the east coast of the US, an hour outside of Philly. i can produce, mix, an master, i also offer vocal services. i am a videographer and offer discounted rates to soundbetter clients
I'm a bass player with 15 years experience and care deeply about tone and I emphasize serving the track. I have also aquired an awesome gear collection over the years.
I'm independent singer/songwriter, my music is combination of pop, r&b and individual style, that I call it ethnic pop. I can sing in different genres for your project and different languages. Also, I can provide piano playing as a session musician.
Hi! My name is Raven Luckett and I am a Singer/Songwriter. I was featured on Shazam’s Best New Music Playlist. I synced my song in a film that I also was casted as the lead in. I’ve been singing for a very long time and I make my own music, as well as write for others. I’m driven, focused and a go-getter and would be happy to work with you!
Culminating decades of experience in music creation, performance, and sound sculpting, Benoit Fecteau welcomes you with the knowledge and understanding of how precious and diverse each musical creation is. From Metal to Folk, through everything in between, all styles of music are elevated by his meticulous work and attention to detail.
Recent Successes
"Becky is an amazing songwriter and an even more amazing singer! I was so glad I got to work with someone so talented for my first song ever written! I would highly recommend her to anyone"
"Made me a good rough demo :)"
"Hayes has a great voice and gave me everything I needed. "
"Evan gave me exactly what I was looking for! He is very friendly, patient, professional and informative so it was a positive creative experience even for someone with limitations such as myself. "
"Great work from Chuck, very responsive to comments, happy to work on the track till we got it right. A really a great, top class experience."
"Another outstanding mix - he puts everything in the right place at the right levels. A pleasure to listen to his finished work and very easy to work with. I highly recommend."
"Fantastic experience with a very talented artist. Vin is a tremendous bass player, patient and clear communicator. I look forward to more projects with him in the future"
"My favourite guitarist on SiundBetter delivers again! Jimmy’s sense of melody and expression is second to none. I gave minimal instructions as his understanding is so spot on. He took the middle section to where I ho..."
"I came back! Very serious and professional work, responsive and attentive."