Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with PALOSUEÑO
I'm a professional vocalist/songwriter, and I've been working as a singer for 5 years. Let's work together to create the next big hit!
French music producer and mixing engineer. Especially focused on electro and pop music.
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I’m Zac, and I have been a creative my whole life. More so a musician and music producer for the last 8 Years. My skill is largely in music production, recording, mixing and mastering inside a digital audio workstation, specifically Ableton Live.
Passionate and friendly audio professional offering a wide range of services at an affordable price point. I love working on anything from acoustic folk arrangements to heavy guitar-driven productions and awesome video game sound effects to clean, professional sounding podcasts. Let's discuss your project!
Hello we are Blaq Tuxedo! Grammy nominated production & songwriting team. We are from Sacramento,Ca and based in Los Angeles. We've worked with acts such as Chris Brown, Meek Mill, The Rej3ctz, Sage the Gemini, August Alsina, Ciara, Omarion, TGT, Tank, New Boyz, Justine Sky
Australian based music producer focusing on solo artist or band recordings.
I am a german Techno / HipHop Producer.
Hire me if you want impactful, cutting-edge, unique and professional mixes and productions. If you want to push boundaries, blend styles, or just get that professional sheen on your mixes and masters, work with me and we will realize your vision for your music.
Academic Writing Services
I’m a multi Emmy award winning mixer looking to lend my ear and experience to make your songs sound the way you imagined.
Recent Successes
"Absolutely amazing guitar playing. Completely nailed the vibe I wanted and got it to me super fast. Highly recommend."
"What can I say about Taylor? So SO MUCH! He is an unbelievable talent! If you listen to his samples, you'll feel the passion and beautiful, engaging sound in every note. it grabs you and you can't let go (a cliche but..."
"Very happy working with Max ! I needed several recordings of double bass tracks. He did it perfectly 👌🏻 : 2000% pro, fast, and experienced. I encourage you all to 1) replace your bass lines by double bass lines 😉 and ..."
"Paul helped me out with a couple of double tracked funk guitar parts, which were tight, well articulated and crystal clear in terms of the audio recordings received. He was also incredibly responsive in our communica..."
"Chris is is best! Incredibly talented and creative guitar player!"
"Moisey is an incredible collaborator overall. He communicates in extreme detail and can really get to the heart of your vision. Lucky to have him as a producer and friend now! Highly recommend him for anything mixing ..."
"Joseph gave me great support on the mix for five of my songs. His feedback was clear and spot on. He also helped me to do the mastering of these songs and also here de delivered in style!"
"Ohad has been a real pro on my music! kind, professional and fast. hope to work with him again in the next future. best chiose on soundbetter."
"Leandro helped me come up with a beautiful piano arrangement for a song of mine. He was professional and the communication was easy! Made sure I was 100% happy with his delivery. Thank you!"
"Tha was such a pleasure to work with! His clear communication, professionalism, and guidance made for a wonderful experience. He is extremely talented and really knows how to make a song shine. He is a master at his c..."