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PALM DRIVE Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Musikproduktion, Hörfunk, Kino und TV Vertonungen, Hörbücher, Hörspiele, Sounddesign
I'm a french producer, beatmaker and audio engineer. I love very different kind of music but my heart goes to hip hop, soul, r'n'b and funk. I grew with PRINCE, MICHAEL JACKSON and many many other artist. I use all these influences to make beats. I am an audio engineer graduate from SAE institute Paris.
POBRATEAM Production is based in Black Studio (Moscow, Russia), which was founded by two brothers Nikita and Alexander Pozdnyakov. The production company specializes in the mixing and sound production of rock, including pop-rock and hard rock.
I'm a music producer, mix engineer. My name's Oleg. I'm working on my home studio. Extensive experience in creating instrumentals in hiphop/rap/trap/r&b styles. I'll make a mix of your songs and beats in a short time.
Versatile musician with a grand background of music genres, from ethnic to modern.
White singing, playing piano, learned ukulele (during pandemic), creating music - notes, starting to produce
Vocal Producer and mix engineer with wealth of experience as a musician and musical director on The Grammys, MTV VMAs, Jay Leno, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Saturday Night Live and The Brits.
Specializing in Electronic Music of all genres, Orion Markis is able to bring your creative talents to the next level whether it is production, beat making, mixing, mastering, vocal comping, vocal tuning, or designing sounds for your project. I'm looking forward to assisting you with you creative projects and bring them more to life!
Recent Successes
"We are very happy with the job Matt did for us. He had a tricky task - a rock version of a song recorded in 1928 (90 years ago today as a matter of fact!). Matt hit the right inflections, had a nice balance between..."
"Alan killed it on our track, he took a home recorded track and gave it some SERIOUS polish. He was super communicative, took references into consideration, and was happy to do a revision for us. He's also priced very ..."
"Nacho is one of the best professionals I've ever encountered in SoundBetter and outside of the platform. Really detail-oriented and always willing to go the extra mile to make your project shine. 100% recommended!!"
"Mastered my track beautifully and brought it to a whole new level! Easy to work with and communicate with about what you're looking for sonically. "
"Very professional and easy to work with. Top notch quality. Really brought life to the song. Highly recommended. "
"Outstanding is Abramo Riti. One of those artists that just nails the brief the first time. And great value!! Already have another project in mind for Abramo. "