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Palermo Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I am a Mixing engineer from Taiwan. I produce, mix and master for global musicians. I want to serve you the best audio for you.
No juicy sales pitch or name dropping. We let our work speak on its own. Take a listen to our recent works and hear how you could sound yourself.
I am a songwriter/producer, mixing/mastering engineer, as well as a multi-instrumentalist and singer. I have been making music for as long as I can remember and will continue until my time is up. I have a lot to offer for those who are just getting started as well as those veterans who are in need of creative and professional assistance. Hit me up!
I'm a guitarist with a multidisciplinary profile. I've composed music for choreographies, films and exhibitions. I've recorded and produced 3 albums and I've recorded my guitar in several tracks. Send me an email through 'Contact' button above and I'll get back to you to talk about your project.
Vicky has over ten years of professional experience in the music industry working with many of its top artists, writers and producers (Charli XCX, Hailee Steinfeld, Hey Violet, Guy Chambers, Xenomania).
Written songs and collaborated with Connor Ball (The Vamps), 44Phantom, Jessia, CHEZ to name a few! From pop to alt rock I have worked with various artists and producers that work with the biggest names in the industry like 5SOS, Avril Lavigne, Machine Gun Kelly and Yungblud. I want to work with YOU to write your next smash!
The difference between a good song and great song is the quality of production. A movie's background score decides the impression it leaves in your viewers. A musician is not one who just knows music theory and to play an instrument. He should be able to work from the heart! He is the true Artist!
Recent Successes
"Simon is super pro and super efficient. he exactly caught the spirit of the track and gave a super tone to his bass that fit perfectly to the track. I recommend him and look forward to work again with him"
"This is my second time working with Sunnie and she is truly a gifted vocalist and overall musician. It's always a treat to work with her!"
"This guy is perfect. Piano skills on the highest Level, super friendly and open to wishes. All around ten stars!"
"This is the second track I've worked on with Ohad and my experience was even better than the first. Ohad was fully invested in bringing about the best outcome. He's an excellent mixing and mastering engineer and a gre..."
"Courtney is worth all the success she strives for – she's super talented, and will bring your songs to perfection. "
"Charles What an amazing professional producer and as well as an engineer. I always hope that the engineer/producer would experience the emotion and passion that was experienced writing and recording the song and tran..."
"Theodor is great to work with. He really cares about what he does, and it shows with how well everything comes together. I am grateful to have worked with him on multiple projects so far and they have all turned out a..."
"Quick and professional! "
"I always appreciate working with Giovanni. I have worked with him numerous times. He is professional, articulate, and a top notch music crafter 👍🏽"