Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with PACIFICA
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Experienced Studio- and Session Drummer and Music Producer is available 24/7 for recording drums for your musical project. I record in my own studio rooms using great sounding preamps like the A-Design Pacifica, STO-2 Avenson Audio, Sennheiser and Audio Technika Microphones. There is also some outboard gear for post production from Drawmer.
Versatile John-Mayerish guitar player and singer with modern techniques and a wide variety of guitars, gear, pedals and sounds. Audio Engineer. Own a recording studio. Albums on Spotify. Opened for Paul Gilbert's "I Can Destroy" show in México.
Highly experienced touring and session musician, producer, songwriter, and mix engineer. I have been a long time member of the Woodstock, NY progressive rock band “3”, as well as, my own project “The Grape And The Grain”. I have also worked with, Ian Flanigan, The Little Miss, Rhett Miller, Weerd Science, 9 Theory, Michael Duca, and many more...
Professional drummers, producers and a large drum hall. We are here to help you with: Live Drum Tracks, Remote Sessions, Creative Grooves, Percussion, Programming, Production. Only top quality and best attitude!
I'm a producer/engineer with a boutique Recording Studio on 4 acres in southeast Travis County, minutes from downtown Austin.
I specialize in R&B, pop, blues and rock guitar (both rhythm and lead). I love making guitar stacks and recording different textures of guitar. I provide guitar recordings that are ready to go, with very little mixing required. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Pensa em gravar sua música e não sabe por onde começar? Conte comigo... Sou produtor musical e técnico de gravação membro da AES (Audio Engineering Society), multi-instrumentista, apaixonado por áudio e nos últimos anos a produção de conteúdo audiovisual tem me encantado com sua magia. Vamos juntos produzir sua música para multiplicar good vibes.
I produce & mix music from Dallas, TX. My goal is simple - to use my skills & experience to help artists fully realize the vision behind their music. Check out my work and reach out.
Recent Successes
"One more song for which Lydia recorded backing vocals for me. Super fast turnaround, extremely professional and zero instructions from my side needed, since she understands my work perfectly! Do work with her, you wi..."
"Jemouri is a true professional. He communicates well and delivers way beyond what I ever could have expected. I highly recommend him and look forward to many more projects together"
"Judy is one of the best musicians that I have worked with to date. She is both highly professional and patient, she really cares about doing an excellent job. I highly recommend her as she is more than competent and c..."
"He is a good music producer an if I did not like something about the beat he would make it to where I love it! Highly recommended!!"
"Absolute WOW - Alice was everything a producer could ask for in a vocalist! Timely, professional, and GIFTED. She is a GENUINE diamond-platted star. Did you listen to her demo?! I can only pray we work together again ..."
"Amazed as always it shouldn’t surprise me, his outstanding passion for guitar playing and how he nails it every time, but it still does. The absolutely best, nicest and easiest to work with right here! So do yourself ..."