Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Pacific Radio
Analog depth with digital efficiency mixing engineer in Los Angeles, CA.
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Professional studio recordings in Olinda, meeting all the requirements of its customers in a high standard with comfort and quality. Located in a great and prime location 50 meters from the sea, with private parking, waiting room, bathroom and a reserved area for meals ready for all customer needs in a recording.
Hey, we are Mavve • Sasko. We have black belts in audio manipulation, we are the guys that won't release a track if the track isn't perfect. A combined 20 years of production experience and work with most major labels and high-end specialized labels such as ARMADA. We have added our touch to tracks that have reached millions of people.
High Quality Production, Mixing, and Mastering Services!
Around 5 years of experience in music production: beat-making, vocal recording, and processing, cover production. I have a successful YouTube channel with my cover songs as a portfolio.
Audio/IT Professional, dedicated to making the world "Sound Better" one track at a time.
I am the Chief Graphic Designer & Marketing Manager of clipping solutions.
Got a new vocal/choral composition that you want to record? ✅ Got an idea in your head that you can’t quite seem to actualize? ✅ Got a vocal recording that you would like to redo? ✅ Want to publish your hit song(s), & market to music readers, but need to get the notes down on paper, first? ✅ Need it done, quickly? ✅ I’m here for it. ☎️
Recent Successes
"Bea is amazing! So professional and talented! Her vocals really upgraded my song, she turned my vision into reality! Great voice and great understanding of what I wanted. Definitely will want to work with her again! :)"
"Greg...he deliver more and very easy to communicate also very patient allow me to make a lots of revision See you soon Greg"
"Brian is an extremely talented Mixing engineer. He really knows what you need and will give your track the final touches it needs to be great. I will definitely be working with Brian again! "
"He's the only mix and master engineer who nailed my vision, ideas and requirements with great attention to detail.. Great communication during the whole process.. This first project with him was the gateway to the res..."
"Vonzell is SO amazing. Accurate and professional with TONS of great vibe. She's fun to work with and deliver her lovely personality in every take."
"Zach absolutely killed it on our project! He had a clear vision for my track and delivered exactly what I was looking for. He is extremely talented and communicates during the creative process to ensure everyone is on..."
"Was a pleasure working with Agus for the 3rd time. He delivers a top quality mix and master and offers unlimited revisions which is ideal for getting the attention to detail in the track."
"Federico is really very professional and capable of delivering the work with maximum quality, advice for productions, mix masters etc, fast and capable of perceiving what the product needs to maximize it, the best 🤝"
"Marcus killed another project, always happy to work and recommend him!"