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Pa Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I focus on writing full records with styles that stand out from others. From genres like Electronic dance music, pop, hip hop, and latin music, I can accomplish what you are looking for in making full blown records.
L.A based recording artist , studio manager , producer and engineer
I am a freelance music producer and mixing engineer from Amsterdam who will bring your track to the next level. If it sounds good, I will make it sound better. Want to create your own track? - NP! We will find the best arrangements and instruments for your music. Have a proof records of clients from the US and the Netherlands.
Do you have something recorded but are not sure how bring it to the next level? Struggling with tracks, timing, or sound quality? My services are sure to breathe life into your production. With 20 years of professional audio production experience, I mix and master remotely from my home studio; your finished product will impress anyone who hears it.
Have your next song sounding radio ready with Travy! I am an experienced Producer and Engineer who studied Audio Engineering at Indiana University. I am here to help you with any production and/or engineer work for your next hit record!
I've worked with many nationally and internationally successful artists including Gabry Ponte, Roberto Molinaro, Sterling Fox and others. I have been producing music for 12 years and in recent years I have studied at the MAT Academy to become a mixing engineer. I had Giuliano Radiciotti, Luca Pretolesi, Alex Tripi, Nello Greco as teachers.
Credits & Cuts: Shaboozy, Fridayy, Bazzi, mike., Jack & Jack, RVSHVD, Willie Jones etc. Certified RIAA Platinum.
I'm Ellie, a versatile songwriter and topliner specializing in Pop, RnB, and Electronic music. With a strong vocal range and ability to craft catchy and memorable melodies and lyrics, I am here to help you create the perfect track! You can trust me to be responsive and organized in my work- excited to hear from you!
Recent Successes
"Andres was SO helpful and responsive with suggestions to improve my mix before he started mastering, and then made my track sound even better when he mastered it! He was great at communicating both the changes that I ..."
"The job was started very quick. The contact with Aaron was insanely fluent and the master was amazing. He did ae many revisions as i wanted until it fitted my expectations. Amazing sound engineer."
"Great producers & sound designers who pay attention to detail- would definitely recommend Holophonica studios to everyone."
"Great vocals and great ideas. All around a top job. This was our second release together having done an album in the past we now finished the vocals for our EP. I think Alex's input in keeping things balanced have bee..."
"Brandon not only was one of the most professional people I've ever worked with he mixed and mastered my track better then i ever expected. I will be working with him again very soon "
"The Crushboys are dope, bad ass creative brothers... Love these guys..."
"Kipper is a musical star who can add, add, and add, to make a basic song better, and better, and better! He is always more than willing to help out and create! It's unbelievable and uplifting to have Kipper working on..."
"Wonderful masters! Adds lots of depth but preserves characteristics of your mix!"