Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Owen Clark
Zenith Mastering AKA A Sides - London based music producer with over 30 years experience specialising in mixing and mastering dance music using the finest hybrid analogue technology.
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My masters have been featured on Armada, Fox Sports,Group Therapy,Pure Trance,FSOE,Extrema Global,Nascar RaceHub, Artists first, TV, Festivals and YouTube commercials and videos games.
I am an Artist/Producer I do Mix & Mastering for those who needs a huge sound record!
You need an original video game score or original voice acting? Look no further.
Hi, I am Gavin, I make music beats and songs
Established songwriter/producer/vocalist ready to help get your song to the finish line! Credits with MTV, Netflix, Hulu and more.
Top producer on the west coast by way of Houston TX. I produce ang sub genre of hip hop or r&b form trap and lofi, to chill , boom bap, even k pop or some latin hip hop.
I love this world and I am confident in my abilities. I'm Jacopo, studying in conservatory of electronic music, working for 5 years as Mixing Engineer for some local companies.
Recent Successes
"Quick, good communication, very patient when I wanted to change things. Very professional quality and industry loud. Great work. "
"Camilo is a true pro, he listens to each detail you say. If you want to take your music to the next level than look no further. Thanks Camilo and looking forward to getting more songs mastered in the near future! "
"Davide is an excellent pianist. He has great ideas and has the technical facility to execute them in a way that adds to your song. I highly recommend him. "
"Alex did a great Job on Olivia Newton John's song called Magic. The Second voice, the lady used in this duo did also a fantastic job!"
"Great work!! Ollie is very professional and organized, Im very happy with his work, 100% recommended!"
"Again, Patrick has delivered the perfect accompaniment to the song. Patrick is a musical genius and capable of playing so many instruments, and brilliantly. Patrick is patient and such a pleasure to work with. Thank..."
"Amazing, great service! I've been trying to master my own music for years but decided to try it out professionally and Leroy definitely did an amazing job. I can confidently work on music without worrying about master..."
"Amazing work, great communication and a great ear for detail! I highly recommend going with Martini for your mastering job!"
"Omar did an amazing job with the scarce concept I presented him with. He was patient with my edits and overall we came up with a legendary album cover. Thanks Omar. Really timely work as well. He finished everything I..."