Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Out Of The Ashes
I'm a mixer and music producer who has mixed over 1,000 songs. I am also a session musician, so I look at songs with the eye of an engineer and as a musician, which helps me bring the songs to their full potential.
More providers:
Recording and mixing for bands and musicians. Audio production and post for commercial and corporate video. Relaxed setting. Pro results. Demos, EP's, Albums. Back line and session players available. Live off the floor and multi tracked sessions.
I'm a music addict and have been playing, engineering and writing for over 10 years. I mostly work with Indie/underground artists and tracks I mix are regularly played on national, local and specialist radio formats. I work from my own studio in Ireland producing artists of all genres as well as mixing/mastering for clients remotely. Its fun!
As a Mixing Engineer I like to find a unique sound for each client. Every Artist has a different vision, even they follow the same trend, so each artist should have a unique sound.
We are seasoned hip hop mixing/mastering engineers as well as a production team specializing in progressive hip hop beats. We cover all genres - boom bap, trap, melodic, traditional - while adding our own twist. We pride ourselves in giving our artists unique, original soundscapes to create with. No "type beats" here.
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Hello! I'm João. I've been doing and working with EDM, Bass Music and Afro House for over 9 years with more of 16M Streams on Spotify. If you are looking for a producer with experience in rame and great jobs, you are in the right place. Send me what you have in mind and let's make one of your best jobs happen! 😃
Drummers don’t always have the best reputation. It’s become my de facto mission to give them a good name again.
Productor musical y mentor con especialidad en Conceptualización Artística, y compositor en piano, electrónica y orquesta para narrativas audiovisuales.
Recent Successes
"As a songwriter and producer I'm working with folks from all over and it's hard to find words to express how much I value Thomas. Very few measure up in talent, professionalism, and just plain good heart. "
"Amazing vocals and great to work with!"
"The Liquid Ray is a very talented guitarist. He quickly composed a lovely and chill song. I recommend his work !"
"Hands down one of the best working experiences that I've had working with someone remote. I've worked with a lot of artist signed and unsigned and this was easily in the favorite bracket. lol I got the record back way..."
"This review is more than a review. It’s a praise and kudos to Guy for his amazing talent. I’ll be honest here…this project confirmed for me how exactly to get my music to peak potential. The quality of the musicianshi..."
"Jason is very collaborative and will help you bring your music to fruition just the way you want the world to hear it."
"Look no further. Not only a versatile & proficient player, but a master of sonics & parts. An absolute pleasure to work with every time, certainly open to embracing direction, and delivers fully professional results. ..."
"Super professional and kind, Chloe is an amazing talent!!"