Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with OTM Juice
High quality recordings and mixes at an affordable price!
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I'm a curious and experimental mixer. Like to try diferent things in each project that I take.
You tell the story, we'll capture the moment. Delta Vista Studio - Home Based Music Recording and Mixing www.DeltaVistaStudio.com
Platinum selling record artist / producer, feature film scorer, professional drummer and keyboard player and Ableton Live guru.
Specialise in producing trap, future bass, big room and trance. Have over 150k monthly listeners on Spotify and our songs have been placed in major Spotify playlists. We're open to ghost producing for your artist project, so do hit us up and we can take it from there.
I got trust issues, but one thing I trust so much in life is my ears.
Bashiru Adebola Ogunsanya is an Afrobeat artist and Songwriter.
100% Authenticity
Music producer who focuses on taking your music to the level it deserves.
Recent Successes
"Rodrigo is one of those rare gems who offer professional results without an ego. Precision, quality, affordability and reliability are his top traits. We will keep him as one of our main remote session guitarists for ..."
"Chris has been an invaluable help on my projects. Really amazing producer."
"Chad is a great professional. Really appreciate what he did for me and my vocals sounded so clear and warm if was weird to hear them sounding so good. Willing to work with people on any budget. I definitely would r..."
"Wow! Hired Alex to do some masters for a record I was working on, and he did not disappoint. Came through with great sounding, loud, crisp, and balanced master tracks with time to spare. Didn’t even need to ask for re..."
"Pansil did a great remix for me. He was a pleasure to work with. He has great creative skills, is communicative and he delivered a quality mixed and mastered version. Highly recommended."
"Frank is very professional, and always makes sure you're happy. "
"Gerard was very easy to work with. He even gave comments which helped us improve our mix before he mastered my track. Very helpful. Will definitely book him again next time! "
"Mac and Ryan are amazing! Super down to earth, very talented, and really go the extra mile to make sure that you are satisfied. My experience with them felt very personal. I highly recommend!"