Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Big Fleeta
High quality recordings and mixes at an affordable price!
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JEM77 Studio was founded with the vision to offer artists a creative space to realize their musical ideas, to accompany them during this process and provide support wherever it is needed. In addition to Music- and Audio-Productions, we offer services in Guitar-Tracking, Audio-Workshops and Acoustic measurement/treatment.
My name is Juan Freidenberger, I'm 22 years old, and I'm a Mixing Engineer and a Singer from Córdoba, Argentina.
Are you looking for a professional full string orchestra (between 16 and 45 musicians) to perform on your new track ? Strings Booking Services offers the most affordable & professional remote recording solutions for organic strings. Whatever kind of music-project you're working on, we have the experience to help !
Mix Engineer & bass trombone session musician. Berklee College of Music - M.M. Music Production. Production music composer/producer. Arranger, programmer, sound designer, pitch and performance correction.
I am a seasoned pro for mixing, recording/tracking, session guitars and bass. I have almost 20 years of sound recording and mixing experience. I will make you sound your best!
Psychedelic, alternative or acoustic mixing and songwriting I excel in adding to your vision. Ive done work for magazines and on my own music and will provide time and dedication to take your track to its best.
Music Producer/Mixing Engineer Your project is MY top priority!
If you’re reading this, I’m the best audio engineer you’ll ever have, or else you would be with the best…let’s show them who’s the best!
Recent Successes
"excellent work, very professional and fast turnaround easily handled changes that I requested."
"Great singer, great top-line writer! It was uncomplicated, Marigold did a few reviews, totally met my expectations! Thanks for working with me! "
"Josh delivered an amazing track very quickly. It was a pleasure to work with him!"
"Another great collaboration completed with Sureilla. Love her work. She always brings her top performance to my song. "
"Filip did a remix for me and i have to say outstanding work! Very creative direction and the quality of the mix/master is perfect! I Highly Recommend this service!!!"
"Love you, man! Great job as always. "
"Working with Mark is always great, second time I have him master one of my songs. Easy to work with, great attitude, and most importantly: master sounds loud, punchy with depth. Love it:)"
"Always a pleasure to work with Samuel. He’s so professional, always gives me quality feedback to make sure the track levels are right before the master and he always delivers promptly and fits into my deadlines. "
"Perfect producer understands the sound and vibe you're trying to achieve! "
"It was a pleasure really. Clive makes the effort to understand not just tempos but the dynamics you are going for. The track is not the easiest to play but you know you've made a good call when the live drum track m..."