Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Operator16
"You're doing something no one else is doing - Keith Andes" I don't need to brag or boast this is what I do. I teach artist from experience. You'll get great quality work, but you'll also get priceless knowledge and experience to help you get back to YOU. Stop living for others and start living on purpose doing your dream.
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Hello my name is Gio, im a law graduate from the prestigious Catholic University of Milan with flying colors. Also gained a BA in Audio Production @SAE Milano with first class honours, won a scolarship and currently attending a Master of Arts in Music Productions & Artist Management @SAE in order to help young artists. Write me if u need...
Royal Riff Raff Recording Studio has been producing satisfied clients throughout Los Angeles. They are experienced and talented music producers with knowledge of the industry and the latest trends.
Working freelance at several recording studios as a recording and mixing engineer from 2007. I have been in several different projects varying from recording&mixing and composing (sometimes including sound design and location recording) to films and tv series, advertisements etc., also working with bands and individual projects.
Versatile Musician Groove
Just good Music
Independent contractor and freelancer with 5/5 star satisfaction (99> reviews and a Top Rated Seller on the Fiverr platform) as a sound engineer (mixing and mastering).
We will help you and your music to sound as best as possible whether it's a complete mix or just a mastering. No matter what genre you make, we will take good care of your sound. Both analogue and digital gear have their own place in any sound post production and your sound is no exception.
La Nueva Era
Recent Successes
"Very easy to work with, great sound, and all around extremely professional! Great working with him. We made a killer track together!"
"A listening professional who knows his job well! I highly recommend! "
"Great service, listens to the feedback and great communication!"
"I contracted Brianna to compose, record, and mix a few custom pieces, thinking her sound was a perfect fit for my project. She asked a ton of relevant questions to insure the mood and tone of the music would meet my e..."
"François is a master at what he does. I had already spent close to a year mixing and mastering this album, listening to it over and over, but something wasn't right. François was able to mix in a way that allowed me t..."
"Another terrific job by Andrew. Very talented and excellent communication. Very satisfied. Repeat customer! A++"
"I admired Kostas for 2 main reasons. Both for his technical skills to restore damaged recording to the best possibly degree but mostly for sharing passion and respect to the Project he undertook. Highly recommended."
"Simply said, Jeff is a GENIUS. We asked Jeff to gives us a very viable commercial bass sound for our new song and then asked him to play whatever HE felt so we could hear what his insight and expertise brought to the ..."