Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with On The Outside
I am a mixer/songwriter/producer who has worked with some of music's top stars including Britney Spears and Laura Bell Bundy.
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My name is Igor Bilheri from Brazil.
Rob has been an accomplished Mixer/Producer/Engineer for the past 23 years. His credits include various recording and album projects as well as over 150 Video games.
Hey! I'm a producer / mixer/ mastering engineer from California with multiple Major label credits / placements and over 30M global streams. I specialize in Alternative, Rock, metal, County, Pop, and TopLine work. I work out of a studio with an SSL6k, top of the line pre's / outboard / mics / samples / plugs -- but also have a remote/mobile setup!
If you are looking for outstanding music production, I am here to satisfy all your expectation. I can create your song from your lyrics/vocal ideas to a full arrangement ,label mixing ,mastering song. Hit me up and let's talk what can i help!
Unique ideas that can make a big difference in your sound!
Kyle O'Brien is a bluegrass and Americana musician who has toured the world with his music.
I can mix and master your songs or material for a low fee I also offer male vocals and session guitars.
I'm a 26-year-old singer/songwriter specializing in an acoustic folk-pop sound and have released an EP and Single in the last year.
Recent Successes
"Austin is the man. He always delivers a quality and superb mix. He will make your record stand out and hit hard."
"It was a project for two completely different songs... Chris can find himself perfectly in any mood, in any style. Great man and great artist! I love to work with him!"
"I had him Mix and Master one of my songs and he did an exceptional job, a very talented man. He is a very pleasant and courteous person to work with, he is very clear and direct with what he needs from you, and he is ..."
"I would recommend Alejandro to anyone that wants a professional sounding and polished record. I was having trouble with one of my songs and he fixed all my concerns and made the record sound better (no pun intended). ..."
"Once again at it with Etienne, and I cannot be more stoked to work with him! Super genuine person, and has become a very good friend and not just my go-to producer. Go with him, you won't regret it, I promise!"
"I love working with Ethan! Such a talented musician and singer. A pleasure all around and such a nice guy as well. Warmly recommended."
"Miel is an incredible professional, made my track sound so so much better with a crazy mix work. He’s fast, kind, and a talented visionary. Would 100% recommend. Will work with him again for sure ! "
"Jonas did an amazing job on my track. It was my first time using this service, he was clear, direct and communicative. The track sounds amazing! "
"This was my message to Alex after listening to two songs of mine he edited: “Feckin gr8, perfect man, listened to both of them once and was like YUP”"