Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Olivia Reid
Multi-instrumentalist (pedal steel/guitar/banjo/mandolin/lap steel) who has played with and for dozens of groups and functions in NYC i.e. Timbo, The National Reserve, Mose Wilson, Olivia Lloyd, Gethen Jenkins, Slide Stops,Wes Anderson's "Asteroid City" Premiere, North of Amarillo, TOLEDO, JW Francis, Quinn Devlin, Jules Olson, Goo,, etc.
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Hi, my name is Valera, i'm from Russia. I like to mixing songs, different styles of music. I have small home studio, there i recording and mixing my songs. I don't need much money, for my work, and sometimes i can make mix for free. I just like music!
The most valuable thing in our business is an IDEA. It all starts with idea. Your ideas are priceless, so it is crucial to have the right players in your team! I am Roman. I am 40. With almost 25 years of audio expertise - ready to rock on your upcoming project :)
Music Production, Audio Editing, Podcast Edits, Audio Mixing/Mastering, Musical Arrangement, Composing, Audio Editing
Let me turn your song idea into a fully produced studio production!
Hey, if you want Industry Quality production ( hip hop, r&b, gospel, pop) along with great songwriting check us out💯
Ideal Cleaning Services is a Dubai-based cleaning company. We also provide quality Deep Cleaning Services, AC Duct Cleaning, Sanitization Services, and Water Tank Cleaning all over Dubai.
I simply love engineering music. It's that love that pushes me to continuously evolve and advance sonically. I'm open to working with everybody!
Guitarrista Cantautor y productor audio visual, Web master y growth marketer
Recent Successes
"Super talented composer who is able to capture a stories"
"First time working with Fred. Must say that I regret that I didn't find this guy earlier! 1000% helpful and with a world class results on the mastering! I will go with Fred on every future song from now on! "
"Y Andrés lo hizo una vez más! Un trabajo de muy alto nivel, con el feedback además en el medio que me permitió mejorar muchÃsimo la mezcla. Muchas gracias maestro! - And Andrés did it one more time! A very high level ..."
"Eileen did a great job on the track. Very professional, radio ready stems. Highly recommend having Eileen on your next track. Will work with her again in the future with other songs."
"Nicky is the one of the best master engineer in the business. He cares a lot about every project he does. Nicky has mastered a lot of my tracks and the result can only be described in one word: perfection."
"Tiaz puts professionalism and heart into his work. He will go to extra lengths to ensure greatness. It's worth mentioning that he's not just a skilled artist and producer in his own right, but he also has excellent au..."
"Just found out Rioux is a master songwriter as well as a killer performer. Love working with this guy"
"Great work"