Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with OFMA
I like producing music, and being challenged. I am curious to discover your musical universe and I can’t wait to share its creation with you!
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I record, edit, mix, and produce music with all types of artists of different talent level.
Affordable professional analog mixing and mastering of electronic and acoustic music of all genres in the personal studio with professional equipment. Before/After examples are available on the website: http://profmastering.com
I am film composer, composer, sound designer, pianist, and educator based in the Bay Area
👉Vocals 👉 Lyrics 👉 Piano 👉 Songwriting 👉 Covers 👉 EN/LT/RU languages 📍Vilnius, LT
Professional Music Production for Audiophile Rock & Metal Records Professional Session Bass Playing Professional Audio Mastering Services
Hi! My name is Timothy McArtney. I am a songwriter, producer, mixing, and recording engineer. Most recently I co-produced, mixed and recorded the Hockey Dad album 'Rebuild, Repeat' (Triple J feature & ARIA #2). I've worked with artists like Gang of Youths, Thelma Plu, Jarryd James, Hoodoo Gurus, Julia Stone, Rose Tattoo, Briggs, and more.
Hi, I'm Emilia, a versatile mixing engineer, producer, and pianist/accordionist with a deep affinity for alternative music. Combining years of musical study, I offer a unique blend of creativity and technical expertise. Let's collaborate to elevate your sound and bring your musical vision to life!
SHARON ESPERANZA JOSEPH turns Challenges into Music
Recent Successes
"It was great working with Scott, he kept me updated constantly with the progress and would discuss with me beforehand how I would want vocal parts recorded in. He delivered very high quality professional vocal stems a..."
"Arthur is an unbelievable Producer willing to go the extra mile for your track. If you need help with overall production value, vocal editing, and the mixing and mastering of your track, Arthur is the person to go to...."
"Ben is extremely talented and really knows his stuff. He brought my song to a cool, modern level that I didn't think was possible, and worked with me through all changes to make sure that the track was the best it cou..."
"Chris is extremely professional and insightful! This is my second time working with him and hopefully not my last. He's an excellent communicator and is very talent at what he does :)"
"Mark was prompt, quick, professional, patient and he did an excellent job. Well worth the price, I recommend hiring him and will be doing so myself for future work. "
"Amazing a++++"
"Me and my wife are beyond blessed to have Chris create two hit songs for us from an original idea I uploaded to AI to finish! It was man against machine, and guess what? The man, CA, won hands down!!! :-) It wasn't ev..."