Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Marie Trap
๐Vocals ๐ Lyrics ๐ Piano ๐ Songwriting ๐ Covers ๐ EN/LT/RU languages ๐Vilnius, LT
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Label manager of D-Lab Records, producer, DJ, mastering engineer and just a good guy. Have over 15 years in music industry. Top-rated reviewer on Audiu.net
I am the producers director. I see the sounds,the notes ,the music, it communicates to me and i am the channel through which it expresses itself. Whether i am writing,singing or directing background vocals or singing lead , i become one with the music, with its soul, color and then i become it's voice. 'No mental box' is my work approach.
Music producer, composer, analog mixing & analog mastering engineer, remixer.
I am a Dj/Record Producer currently working on my own music ,I will be looking for collaborators soon and very eager to work with singers
Wille Edwards โ Cornwall-based musician, eclectic songwriter, and frontman of internationally-acclaimed band Wille and the Bandits
Specializing in Christian and Worship Music. Voting member of the Grammy National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences for 6 years, and is a producer with LoopCommunity.com providing stem/multi-track accompaniment for churches and worship teams world wide. Excited to be a part of the SoundBetter Community!
Hey! My name's Mike. I've been a bass player for 15 years and have played with multiple bands in a variety of styles. From funk and pop to post-rock and prog, I can provide you with a timely and well-written product no matter what the project! I also play guitar and create beats in my home studio.
I treat everybody projects like my own jus know your gonna get the best quality as possible
Recent Successes
"Knows his stuff. Friendly and fast, will change his work if needed. Hope One day we can make something better together."
"Hi Sam , you did a masterful singing in this song .You let it out . Thanks so much"
"great mastering engineer to work with would leave a 10 star rating if I could gets the job done exactly how you want it very pro thank you looking forward to working with you again highly recommend him and very fast ..."
"Working with Ellis always is a special experience. She is very kind, professional and her work is absolutely stunning. Once more she helped craft a track that was filled with emotion and know-how. She truly knows what..."
"AMAZING WORK ALWAYS!! Best in the game. Must hire++"
"Working with Jeff is always a great experience! He is insightful, cares about each project he works on, is knowledgable and genuinely a great person to work with overall. If you're looking for somebody to give your pr..."
"Working with Andres is always great, heโs extremely helpful with his notes and comments for a great outcome on his masters "
"Rey is an honest easy going singer. His talented writing and singing skills are unmatched and his potential is the highest of all levels. Until the next one friend (which Is what, maybe number 13?)"