Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with O chaand
Bright Roy is a multi-genre singer songwriter and music producer He specializes in typical musical compositions which has been acknowledged by industry experts He has released 10 singles independently since 2019. He is certified pianist from Berklee School of Music. He is available for music production contracts as well for original soundtrack.
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Brian is a songwriter, composer, and guitarist. A graduate of Berklee College Of Music, he has written songs for EDM artists on Bad Dino Music, recorded guitar for Disney and Barry Manilow LIVE and was nominated for "Best Original Score" for the web series, “Sweethearts Of The Galaxy”. In addition, Brian teaches classes for Berklee Online.
I'm a telecommunication engineer and an excellent Pianist, Drummer and Composer. Songs are designs and I love designing things.
make your musical visions turn into a reality today :)
I'm an aspiring producer. I create instrumentals perfect for aspiring rappers or singer-songwriters. I have a unique style and pride myself in my ability to work well with others and incorporate their style into my music.
I'm a conservatory-trained vocalist and musician, flexible in getting the sound you're looking for.
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I am a young, talented and motivated music producer. I produce for over 6 years. I’ve made songs with a few of the biggest artist from The Netherlands. Send me a message and let’s work!
Singer - Songwriter
Recent Successes
"Ivan has created an amazing vocal mix for my label!!! They were very satisfied with his creativity & attention to precise detail they requested from him! He is higher than 5 stars!!!! Congratulations!!! :D"
"Anxo is the most inspiring, professional, and personable artist we have ever worked with, and we have worked with a ton of artists. He embodies artistry in every sense of the word, and you would be crazy work with any..."
"Dayanna is talented and very kind! So grateful for her help and amazing work on one of my demo tracks. :) Highly recommend working with Dayanna for any vocal engineering needs you may have! "
"very nice job performed by Shrai again. I strongly recommend"
"Philip, Thanks a million for listening and communicating with me ...This was a difficult project from the start, because I really didn't know how to express my ideas for this song to you. But you were very much into..."
"Michael has an incredible sensitivity and talent! It was truly a pleasure to work with him. Not only is he extremely skilled, but the process also flows so smoothly because he knows exactly what works for the music an..."