Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nqubeko Mbatha
Award-winning mix engineer. Ntokozo Mbambo, Nqubeko Mbatha, Khaya Mthethwa, Benjamin Dube
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Konsequence is an upcoming producer, who entered the music business with one initial thought, and that was to become a success. His career took off back in 2008
Tracking, Mixing and Mastering since 1963. We understand the current state of the Business
Mix engineer in all genres. Grimes-approved™
Humming an idea to hit single. Production to mastering. Let's make something with gravity. I add weight and sculpt the sonic clay.
Over 15 years of experience in the music industry. Specialized in music production of any musical genre, Sound Engineer specialized in Mixing & Mastering and Vocal production services.
i worked with the most famous pop singers and film makers in the middle east
Mixing hiphop for 21 years. Editing to Mastering did a lot on every step . You'll hear the difference...
I live heartfelt music. My specialization is in music that sticks with people and gives them an emotional experience.
Recent Successes
"Second song with Jessica, she is an amazing singer and great lyric writer. She has an unique sound and perfect for Dance & Pop music. I will hire her for a third song. "
"Austin did a wonderful job on my track. He really pushes your sound to the next level! Very patient, and great to work with. Will certainly be looking to work with him in the future. Thanks again Austin!"
"Hugo once again delivered great sounding and well played drum tracks. He has a knack for great drum composition. "
"Joe is talented, thinks outside of the proverbial box and has a helluva voice to convey his ideas. John"
"Philip is a mastermind of texture. He has a talent for using diverse tools to kick up the emotion of a song instrumentally and it was an honor to have him bring that to my music."
"Great job! Thank you."
"Adriano is a very cool guy to work with. He communicated often with me, and send me different takes of his ideas on what he thinks the song needs, so I can approve before doing the final tracks. I thought that was gre..."
"I asked Lydia to record a song written by Brazilian singer and composer Guilherme Arantes. We asked Lydia to record the English version called Across the Abyss. Lydia did an incredible job. She is very talented. Amaz..."
"This guy is crazy talented!! What an incredible vocalist. "