Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with novanout
Bassist specialized in Baby Bass and a multi-instrumentalist focused on LATIN and SALSA music. With 15 years of experience, I offer creative and effective solutions for any musical project. I'm professional, reliable, and passionate. I work on projects of any size and location. Together, we can make amazing music!
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Authentic musicians. Grounded like Butters. African fabric.
I am a highly creative songwriter & vocalist, specialising lyrics & topline melodies. I have a big vocal range & the ability to cross genres easily. I also produce Afrobeats, pop, RnB, soul & atmospheric dream pop. As a artist from a young age, I am super versatile. Let's make a hit together :)
Classically trained versatile 'cellist and arranger, with experience ranging from ultra classical contemporary chamber music to drones for Jonny Greenwood & sessions for Radiohead, Arcade Fire & Sir Paul McCartney. I improvised for the score of Jed Kurzel’s film Macbeth and have 20 years of freelance session recording.
Ice On Titan studio is operated by former Kiss Kiss frontman Josh Benash in NY's Hudson Valley. Josh has toured with The Pogues, Thursday, The Atari's, Murder By Death, The Dear Hunter, and many more. Here in the woods the lax atmosphere allows for creativity to truly flourish. Josh also scores music for film, television, and video games.
What's Up!! Looking for tracked keys or a fully produced instrumental? I am a professional musician who has also started producing over the last few years. I've done everything from playing in the pit at live shows, to playing in churches. I love most genres, so my style is very versatile.
If you want real Boom Bap beats, I'm your guy!
Great songwriting ability on any genre. Great with writing relatable and powerful lyrics. Also equipped with many flow patterns and cadences to deliver the lyrics appropriately.
I will help you create/produce your song. Competitive pricing for professional mixes Lots of experience with multiple genres 6+ years of production knowledge Access to many industry standard plugins like Omnisphere and Melodyne and many more
Recent Successes
"Brent is one of the greats. Having a opportunity to work with him is a good stamp on any music career. $500 a mix underrates his talent. Outside of his professionalism and patience, he has the ability to understand wh..."
"I have done five singles projects with Andres to date. Each time he delivers excellent masters. My mixes are getting better as a result of his feedback. Now, I mix with Andres in mind!"
"Absolutely Amazing! Worth every penny, and I will definitely be coming back to Mount for any mastering I need to get done! My song had so much depth and totally added to the song instead of just doing the job. Did the..."
"He is very handsome and I can't wait to hear more from him."
"A-1 service and skill. Highly recommend Glowcast."
"funded by me July 7th perfectly delivered by manuel July 7th manuel is a top pro! "
"Chris is special to me. He was the first proper engineer to mix one of my tracks and the second song we ever did together sits at over 2.5 million streams today. He's kind, accomodating and most importantly great at e..."
"Highly recommend, Prompt, responsive, and a pleasure to deal with. Loved my master!"