Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with NOVALU
Mixing/ Mastering Engineer, expertise in technical production/genres like modern bass music. Experience in producing genres like Drum and Bass, Dubstep, Future Bass, Midtempo, Garage, Tech-House, Dark Ambient and more.
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John Wesley Wood III. European Native, American Grown Sound Engineer.
I'm a singer songwriter from Inglewood, Ca. Recently, I've written 7 songs on Tyrese Gibson's "Black Rose" (1,3,8,9,10,11,12, and co-produced #9) 2 pop songs for Epic Records' Kat Dahlia, as well as 4 songs on Mary J. Blige's most recent Capitol Records release, Strength of a Woman, including the title track. I can help you find your sound!
Real good Bassist & Guitarist... But World Class String & Brass Arranger. Latin Grammy award nominee producer.
Experienced lead & background vocalist in a variety of styles, +30 years experience in live & studio work.
Multitalented guitarist with a BA in Popular Music from the Royal Northern College of Music.
I am a music producer with 20 years experience. I studied Music Therapy to better understand why and how music works on people. I am a drummer that has groove, feeling and musicality. I can play killer baselines and heavy guitar riffs.
Anything guitars/bass/vocals/programming or production from styles like EVH to The 1975 I can do it. I produced and record all my own songs and have written/recorded/released tons of music during my time as a musician as well as toured internationally with my own projects.
Mixing/ Mastering Engineer, expertise in technical production/genres like modern bass music. Experience in producing genres like Drum and Bass, Dubstep, Future Bass, Midtempo, Garage, Tech-House, Dark Ambient and more.
Recent Successes
"Quincy was great to work with - - super responsive and a true pro - "
"Thank you, Germán! You delivered excellent recordings for Glockenspiel, Timpani and Cymbal for my orchestral work. I couldn't afford hiring a percussion section in a symphony hall and you were the best solution I got..."
"A true professional in every sense, super lucky to be able to make music with the very best in the biz ! Thank You "
"We had the pleasure of working with Sara on two projects. We believe that Sara is a vocal gift, offers professionalism, top quality and a charisma for doing so so much more for the project. For us Sara has given the..."
"Klaas was very straightforward and responsive. He was quick, professional, and most importantly he brought my track to life. I will definitely use him again for future projects!"
"Tom is an excellent mixing and mastering engineer with a lot of talent and passion. He makes it sound perfect every time. Easy to communicate with."
"João has made my music recording process so much easier and stress free! Any and all riffs I come up with, he's able to lay them down no problem. 5 stars every single day of the week!"
"The best mixing engineer...took my music to another level! "