Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Northling
Recording & Mix engineer (both remote and local custom) and musician, part of Arts Council England funded project "Northling" (now signed with Anjunabeats/Reflections) and working for over a decade in the dance music industry, assisting successful touring dance DJs/Producers with ongoing projects. Also a member of & engineer for rock/metal bands.
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Hi there! I'm Vitor. I am a music lover, audio engineer, electronic music producer, record label owner and DJ. Currently I live in Berlin, where I work freelance. I want to help you improve your work in the fields of recording, mixing, mastering and post-production. Just contact me and lets work together to get you a great product.
River Bear Studios is a Multimedia studio in the Longwood,FL Area.
I'm a producer, composer and arranger, but also multi-instrumentalist songwriter, I can produce songs for you to suit your style from scratch. I work in many genres, especially world music, electro jazz, acoustic, blues, Indie rock and prog rock. I'm particularly specialized in Video / Documentary / Movie / TV / Jingle music.
Catching your ear... is my desired part of it :)
If your looking for looking for a proven, experienced music producer/mixer Maybe this will help you decide. I have produced and sold over 32,000,000 albums globally to this date. From Celine Dion to Lil Wayne my name is on it.
Hello! I have as a difference skills with more bass and heavier sounds.
From the US to THE WORLD! A vocal and musical chameleon. Previous artist on the Nfluential Group indie label roster. Smash songs from America to Africa. Artist/feature collaborator. Songwriter for MANY!
Years of experience working with audio, mixing and mastering EDM / Rock.
Recent Successes
"A great singer. Amazing voice. Great Soul. That works with the heart. Good attitude. I loved working with her and I will work with her in the future !!!"
"Paulina is a professional, she finished the job quickly and professionally, very helpful, and very talented singer .... She adapted very well to the kind I requested. Thank you Adriano Assanti"
"Fast turnover, proper craft and fast and to-the-point communication – Fred makes it fat!"
"Always a pleasure working with Cory! He's done some excellent guitar work for my most recent project. He's got a great ear and takes a super thoughtful approach to every job in order to make sure that you come away wi..."
"Amazing, really great job and wonderful experience to work with. Thanks for helping propel me to main stream success. #jahfreach "
"Reo is one of the best talents in the industry and it reflects in his work. Not only is he quick, his writing style is distinct and hard-hitting and he was super easy to collab with. Can't recommend him enough!"
"Very nice!"
"Ryan is a triple threat - great melodies, lyrics and excellent singer. Really brings song ideas to life - thank you!"
"This was my first time working with Edward and I was truly impressed with the way he took the vibe of my track and wrote to it in a way that his melody and lyrics complimented the the instruments perfectly. He nail..."
"Great voice. Great instinct. Incredible understanding of melody. 11/10 will work with again"
"He is really nice sound engineer, especially Sound creating, Mixing and Mastering. Thank you very much Austin!"