Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with norberto rodriguez
I can record professionally your songs. 20 years experience on-stage as a bass player. Profesional results, groove and high quality audio. Thanks for checking out my profile and do not hesitate to contact me: you won’t regret it
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I'm a mix engineer ready to tackle your project.
Peace Gods, I’m TRUTH! Emcee, singer and songwriter focused on crafting the perfect song for every client.
Worked with many artist and can make your mix sound better then most of these people. Can mix & master all music styles, Rap, Country, Rock & Roll. I will get your mix there and make it sound commercial. Very quick to reply and can do bundle deals on multiple songs.
I'm Michael, a producer with a good amount of experience in various styles such as Hip-hop/Rap, Trap, Drum n bass, Synthwave...
Household Air Purifiers With PM2.5 Filters
Grammy winning Mix Engineer who has worked on some of the biggest songs of the past few years. Including "Feel it Still" by Portugal the Man, "Social Cues (album)" by Cage the Elephant, "At My Worst" by Pink Sweats, "OK" by Wallows, "Tell Me You Love Me" by Demi Lovato, "Outta My Head (with John Mayer)" by Khalid. Billions of Streams!
Music Mixing with Vibe and Attitude.
Tightly recorded, final mix-ready piano parts for your song in any genre, recorded on an acoustic Kawai Baby Grand. A variety of software keyboards & synths are also available.
Recent Successes
"Pleasure to work with Dave again. Super concise changes, attention to detail is on point, and incredibly fast turn around at a high standard. Cheers Dave"
"Charlotte was was the ideal Singer/Songwriter to put my idea of a custom version of a pop rock song into reality. She cared a lot about my wishes and was passionate about the project. Communication was great, she prov..."
"Great sounding vocals! Professional and delivers on time. She's perfect if you're especially looking for vocals like Ariana Grande. "
"I mean the great voice is a given but the best part was the responsiveness to feedback and changes. NOA nailed was I was going for after the second revision. Will definitely work with again."
"I would recommend robroxmusic any time , the mix anword master sounds so great , he is a real professional, and he is on time with his work. Once I send my files that was it , "
"Killian is just so talented and amazing! It's always so easy to work with him. He really puts time and focus on the projects he gets involved with, and is super capable of dealing with ambiguous feedback. Will def kee..."