Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nolan Khan
The best Services for Piano Recordings - We offer highly specialized worldwide Mixing, Mastering & Denoising
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I am Miles Slaughter im from Los Angeles i recently graduated from pinnacle college. I have started a production team with some friends from school called the Kore and my record label is called Mass Slaughter Productions. We have finished our first album and im currently working on other projects for some new artist
Specialized in organic sounding beats, complex rhythms, dubby atmospheres and saxophone lines of any genre...
Nothing makes me happier than taking someone's song to the next level and making it sound sonically beautiful and portray the song's energy & emotion to the world.
Latin Grammy Winner Producer. Let’s make some music together.
My name is Jared Harty and I am a metal guitarist and metal mixing engineer. I create guitar and mixes that sound like the classic metal of the 80s. Looking to sound like Iron Maiden or Judas Preist? If so, feel free to contact me!
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Argentinian producer and sound engineer based in Berlin. I usually like to work the production as a whole concept and help the artist to find the characteristic sound they've been looking for, adding as well the influence of the mixed background I've worked with. I am house engineer in Bluewhale Recordings in Berlin, a full-analog studio.
Go from demo to full production when you have me add instruments to and/or mix your song. Singles, EP's and Full Length Productions
Recent Successes
"Blake was awesome! I came to him wanting to write original material for the first time, and his guidance and expertise made the process easy to navigate. I now actually feel like it's possible to not only have origina..."
"Simon never fails to deliver. Highest quality and such great communication. 10 stars!!"
"My favourite guitarist on SiundBetter delivers again! Jimmy’s sense of melody and expression is second to none. I gave minimal instructions as his understanding is so spot on. He took the middle section to where I ho..."
"SE is a legend, and everyone working with her is truly fortunate. She has a gift for interpreting the essence of your song, and the mix you get back takes the song to the next level. Blown away!!"
"Big Leaf Music Studio (Matt) was great to work with. His mixes have the spread and space you expect from the very best. His mastering is able to reach radio-ready LUFS levels without squashing frequencies. He plays..."