Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nocturnario
English: I'm a mixing engineer with base in Medellin, Colombia. Low rates and good quality. I mostly made mixes and masters for indie rock, Reggae and Reggaeton.
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I am a 24 year old female music producer, composer and mix engineer. Last year, I graduated from University studying Music Production. I work with many styles of music including Hip Hop, R&B, Pop/EDM, Soft Rock/Indie. I have had the pleasure of mixing for many talented artists some of which have recently been played on a European radio station.
My name is Aaron Moore. I've been recording off and on for over ten years. I've been taking it very serious for about five years now and hope to make it into a full time career someday. I'm also a metal musician.
Do you want a powerful voice? I'm yours!! I can write lyrics, compose and record your song in only 4 days. Send me a message to start your project
I am A BRAND I AM ( ME ) MS.ELIJHA my brand is called me which is a AR REALITY BRANDING technology platform for minority companies and more I'm artist 26 from Cincinnati Ohio relocated to Houston tx afther getting shot in the head i experienced a out of body experience and was induced to qutama physics which led me to AR REALITY BRANDING
Music Producer and Certified Audio Engineer at "La Macina Sonora"
Make your songs reach their full potencial
Producer & Mix/Sound Engineering student at Abbey Road Institute. Here to freshen up your mixes or work with you to create a song from scratch. I can make your ideas come to life!
Latin Grammy Voting Member Mastering Service by Toto Strapporava has been achieving world-class quality since 1999 for independent artists and major labels. I have also been involved in audio education for over 20 years. From 2008 to the present I have served as Academic Director of the Tecson School in Buenos Aires.
Recent Successes
"Top class vocals! Highly recommended! Daramola took my project to the next level!!"
"It has been an absolute pleasure to work with Giancarlo on my very first project requiring mixing and mastering. He works very quickly and is extremely responsive, never complaining about all the notes I would give hi..."
"Yoad is so great to work with. Great ideas and understanding of what you are looking for. He is professional, friendly and kind. I will definitely turn to Yoad with my next project. "
"Matt's level of musicianship is as good as it gets. The aspect of his approach that resonated the most for me is his unique intuition on how to deploy the right treatment to serve the tune. The engineering side of his..."
"Thomas is such an inredible artist. Professional and great to work with every time!"
"Once again, Nick added some really nice touches to a song. He is very talented, and I will work with him again 100%. "
"Francois did a great job mixing and mastering a long song for an album for me. The song had a lot of parts and variations and Francois got the feel of it and came through with a great warm, clean, mix. He is great to..."
"Ira is the man! Easy to work with, professional, and quick. Looking forward to doing more projects in the near future."
"Adam is so talented and knows exactly what each of my songs needs just from a few notes, and even takes them places that I never would have though to go. Highly recommend!"