Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nicklas Öhrnström
Mixing Turnaround 72h | Mastering Turnaround 24h | Human Audio Engineer Included
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🥇 Multiple No.1 Singles 🥇 Album Of The Year Award. BBC Song Of The Week! Professionally Trained, 15 years Experience.
Sutan Antonius (Toni) has worked with many artists in an array of genres. Specialized in mixing, he also has an extensive experience as a recording engineer, have had the chance working in a multi-million dollar facility for quality demanding clients. Previously based in New York City, where he graduated from SAE-NY and became an AES and NARAS
Hey! My name is JP Huff and I'm an audio engineer with a focus on live settings. If it's a club of 10 people or an arena of 10,000 people, I'll be making you sound the best you can possibly sound!
I am a perfectionist that aims to always make a song the best it can be.
Voice, lyrics and music.
Isaac Chan is a vocal producer/engineer from Hong Kong. Graduated as a vocalist from Berklee College of Music, Isaac has a deep understanding of the human voice. He is known internationally as "Melodynemaster" - having gained a popularity as the most versatile and detailed vocal tuner - able to tune perfectly for every genre and language.
Are you looking for a fresh, soulful sound that will captivate audiences and leave them wanting more? Look no further than Ladarius, an up-and-coming R&B artist with a style that blends the classic soul of the past with modern, cutting-edge production, Ladarius' music is both timeless and innovative.
I am 20th century rock stylist. From glam to grunge, lead, rhythm, acoustic, and bass guitars. Recent studio credits include Ellison Scott, Maurice Aucoin, Kyle Boudreau, and Elise Besler
Recent Successes
"Great service from Alex , Thanks. Did a great job with my techno track. Low end was nice and deep and the kick cut through nicely , hats and vocals now sound clean and fresh ! Top Job , Very Happy."
"Brent made an excellent job ! Thanks Brent"
"Most efficient, highest quality producer I've worked with so far. Austin has a talent for getting the track exactly how I describe. Very professional communication and certainly delivers quality results."
"Micah is the bee knees- highly recommend working with him! Just completed my second go around with him for another couple tracks. He is very intentional and tasteful in his mixing/effects and working with him is a t..."
"Another one, killed it! Natalie is fantastic"
"Ryan from Dark Star Audio not only mixed and mastered my project for a reasonable price, he also led me through the whole process very kind and patient but also included a lot of helpull tips. If you are searching f..."
"The dude nailed it again. I realized when i worked with him on a previous project Peter plays with the feel and vibe I was used to back when i had greats like Norman Harris play those killer intros .Peter can lay it d..."
"I am working with Fred for years now, and it's just getting better and better. And he was already awesome from start! "
"Another Amazing Job From Elvinho!!!"