Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nick Cave & Warren Ellis
John Webber is a Grammy winner at the world famous Air Studios and has worked with a diverse range of artists, from indie darlings to musical legends.
From Pop to Opera, I have performed and recorded in many different genres. Classically trained bass-baritone with extensive experience in the classical music world, with many contacts and credits across other genres and disciplines, including Jazz, Folk, Rock and Pop.
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Mixing your music is what I truly love. I strive to bring your music across the finish line.
Music Producer and Mix-Master Engineer
The impossible takes a day longer đ
Creating The Best Soundtrack for your project.
Mixing with the best side of analogue and digital
Seeking new musicians looking for low-cost mixing. Would like to help new artists and build a portfolio of mixes. I bring unique lyrics and a literary sense to songwriting after 10 years as an English teacher.
Let's produce a hit song! I guarantee you a hit!
Recent Successes
"Wow. Ryan and his team at Dark Star exceeded my expectations. The mixing and mastering brought my productions to another level. They where also extremely easy to work with a responded quickly to any questions I had. I..."
"Coop has been professional and patient, quick to take feedback/criticism and implement it in a timely fashion. Great with putting forth ideas to get the things done that I ask for. He worked until I was satisfied that..."
"It was an absolute pleasure to work with Brandon. He is very professional, organized, and got the job done in the time that I needed. Would definitely do another track with him in the future!"
"Guy is a good collaborator and easy to converse with. He's laid back and one hell of a producer. Cheers!"
"Mike Butler is the real deal. Better than advertised (hard to say it that way considering he's worked with some amazing artists)! If you want to feel extremely confident with sending your music off for mixing, he's ..."
"It was a pleasure working with David, he brought my voices to life and he immediately understood what I wanted with perfect attention to details , I will definitely work with him again in the future!! 100% recommended"
"I can only say positive things about working with Arron. He has just helped me create three more songs - each a very different genre and all have completely exceeded my expectations! One song in particular I had writt..."
"Barrett is a true professional. He not only was able to help with the production, mixing, mastering of my song but laid down a killer drum and bass track down as well. He worked back and fourth with me until we had al..."
"Always a pleasant experience working with Dennis. Very talented and have great ideas/input into all phases of the production."