Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with NEX
My name's Denny and I'm hella cool. You may not be able to tell by looking at me, but I can rap very well. I write until I give myself goosebumps. My main goal with my songs is to make my mother gasp from the thoughtfulness and/or inappropriateness of my lyrics. Don't worry, the rhythm and flow is there as well.
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READY TO TAKE YOUR SONG TO THE NEXT LEVEL? Do you have the perfect beat but need the right hook or lyrics to sell your song? My name is Kristin Grace and I make tracks "pop". Literally! With my proven "pop music formula" I am known to take mediocre songs to THE NEXT LEVEL! So, are you ready to MAKE IT POP? I'm ready when you are!
Need your tracks mixed? Your vocals edited? Maybe you need vocals for your next song? Quick turn around times and quality end products!
I can give you want you need to take your music to the next level.
(Raw) hardstyle producer & DJ from Germany, regularly releasing music through the dutch label "Therscords". Experienced in mixing, sound-designing, audio editing and music production.
Get your Trap, Edm, Hip Hop or Pop sound like it should to make history. Over 900 Million plays on Spotify. Over 500 records mixed/mastered. Releases at Spinnin Records, Armada Music, STMPD Records, Sony Music, Universal Music, Austro Music, Controversia Records, TATT Records and many more. I work with artists without taking of the art envolved.
10 year producer/mixing engineer wants to take your Hip Hop/Pop song to the next level! Free Revisions (No adding or replacing stems)
I am a producer and songwriter. My credits include work with award winning Philly-based group Kindred The Family Soul. Smash that 'Contact' button so we can get working on your next project!
Professional Vocalist and vocal arranger with 5+ years of experience with vocal production and 18+ years of singing.
Recent Successes
"Working with Sefi has been an absolute pleasure. He was prompt, understanding, and genuinely interested in my project. I am thoroughly satisfied and look forward to working with Sefi again in the future. "
"If music is therapy, this guy has helped me cope through the instability of the Trump presidency. There's a reason I have left him multiple reviews and every piece of work he's done has heart in it. As an amateur who ..."
"Marc did an amazing Job with the preproduction side of things! I am excited to continue to work with him! He is very easy to work with and communication is great. "
"Jason has done an awesome job poducing our album. He has professional musicians and a great ear. He tkes the time to listen and he follows our process. I intend to use Jason for everything we do!!!"
"Third time with him! I can't stress enough how underrated his page is it truly bothers me. I've worked with countless engineers on the platform before (grammy winning even) and he still comes up on top. Work ethic is ..."
"Sascha NAILED! This session. Easy to work with, quick and next level 'A' Grade playing. Will def be using him again! CW (Pedal on Real Men Don't Cry) From my upcoming 2022' album. www.craigwoodward.com.au"
"It was a pleasure working with Kent. He communicated well, was very efficient, delivered on time, and his steel pans playing is right on the money. Great job! Thank you Kent. I'll be back!"
"Un placer de nuevo trabajar con mi broski el Riosse! Partiendo como siempre! Un abrazo hermano!"
"He’s really patient and helps with everything. Literally the best choice for your music. 😊😊😊"
"This project was fairly complex, but Cris did some terrific work on it smoothly and beautifully. He not only did a perfect interpretation of the scripted parts, but he also did some killer improve on the same pass..."