Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ndere center
Hello! I'm Balikudembe George, percussionist and instrumentalist from western Uganda. I play native Ugandan instruments such as: adungu, native drums and percussion.
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all related audio production services with all high-end equipment for you to bring your creativity to life.
I listen to your ideas, untangle what you want and deliver it. I take what's in Your head and stick it in Everyone elses.
Professional Songwriter, Producer & Vocalist. I´m here to provide you with hits. I can write you a full song, a top-line or just lyrics. I can produce a full track for you in almost any popular style of music. I can help you with your existing music and make it "sound better" and improve the overall quality to a professional level.
I have a very low voice and a range down to A#1 on a good day:) Can't believe it? Just listen to my demos!
MD Anowarul Islam is a Bangladeshi musician who has made a big name in the world of digital marketing. Anowarul is an artist, entrepreneur, blogger, graphics & web designer and he writes songs as well. He had a lot of interest in learning something new since childhood.
Lead Singer Songwriter
you want your mixes to sound good, write me!
I have production credits with artists like Tierra Whack & Dayne Jordan. I've also mixed and produced for local artists like Kevonna Rose, XIIIM, & Sunnie.
Recent Successes
"Sefi is amazing!!! He not only limits to mixing the song but also provides his creativity and this makes the song take to whole complete other level. This is the guy you want your mixes and mastering done by. Will ..."
"Mere Words can’t express my innermost gratitude. She is a unique, very talented artist always willing to go way and beyond to deliver the best. I would be nothing today without her. I also thank almighty God for lead..."
"CC is just amazing and professional in every aspect. It was such a fun to work with her on my song. Her recordings are very very clean. Thanks, CC!"
"Denis is very talented and gave us exactly what we wanted and more for this mastering project. Will definitely consider him again for future projects. He is adept at many different styles and was able to provide very ..."
"Cannot recommend Alex enough!! Very professional and timely. He has a perfect ear for tuning and timing vocals. If you want your projects to stand out, Alex is 100% who you need. He also has a huge credit list. Check ..."
"Lisa is a wonderful flautist! She really brought the piece to life. And she was able to work with such a quick turnaround, too! I'd ask her again any day. I highly recommend!"
"Another incredible master from Nate! Always super happy with his work. "
"can't wait to do the next collaboration , that's all :D"
"Once again, incredible vocals, arrangements, and deliverables! Jananiy has been a dream to work with she completely understood what I needed and she made that happen. We've completed an incredible album together and I..."
"Man I couldn’t be any happier with the outcome. I had an idea and they even took my idea to another level. Very happy, we made a smash record 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽"