Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with nativa
I'll do hip hop, trap, reggaeton and put my r&b stamp on it. Also I love latin music and foklorical argentinian genders. I can sing and rap.
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Productor joven con 18 años de carrera en la música independiente.
Vejo tudo isso como uma junção de vários fatores, a arte sempre foi a principal finalidade e sentido desse universo musical pra mim. Mas vejo também a parte técnica e sentimental de cada trabalho serem indispensáveis para obtermos o ideal para cada Trabalho.
Poli strumentista arrangiatore e tecnico del suono esperienza trentennale
Desde algún beat personalizado hasta un servicio de mezcla o producción de alguna idea que tengas en la cabeza o como maqueta, me gusta poder llevar las ideas a otro nivel, poder aportar de lo mío, me apasiona el proceso que conlleva a la realización de una canción y el poder conectarme a través de la música con la gente.
Codex Seraphinianus
me gusta todo lo relacionado a al mundo de la musica y las opciones y todo lo que esta alrededor desde el el productor hasta el productos final
Manu Cardenas; Artista Colombiano que día a día y desde hace más de 15 años trabaja, vive y respira música, con el ánimo de ser un cantautor de legado. Bajo la de dirección de Dios y sus colaboradores como: A220 estudio, Santiago Rivero Tapias, Nativa estudio, Pipe the Producer, Dr Davinchi, Marvin el químico, Guette on the beat, Ovy on the druns,
Chacon is a pianist, singer, mixing & mastering engineer, and music producer originally from Cuba, now based in Montreal, Canada. With a career spanning over a decade in music production and post-production, Chacon has worked with a variety of artists and projects in popular music as well as audio editing for documentaries.
Recent Successes
"Austin was awesome! He worked really fast and was super nice. My project with him turned out amazing!"
"Ohad was amazing! I got two songs mastered and they sounded awesome! Super cool guy, talented, and extremely fast with the final product. Looking forward to the next tracks. Thanks Ohad! "
"Maguinho worked very professionally, great groove, and great time feel. Will use him again. It's great to be able to use a service like Soundbetter and to be able to reach talented people from all over the world!"
"Wow. I knew Jonathan was talented before working with him but he completely exceeded my expectations. So charismatic, talented, great ear, and made me feel so comfortable writing with someone I had never met before. ..."
"Once again Sara was spectacular !!! Her Topline creation process is amazing! And she brought her lyrics and melodies into an emotional real story with her vocals! Super happy with the results! - Great communicati..."
"Working with Fabrizio was an incredible experience. He is very professional and very good at his craft. He takes the time to understand the vision and works hand in hand to shape it. I highly recommend working with Fa..."
"Merty, Your work is inspiring, and your ability to craft words into beautiful melodies and lyrics is a gift. You have the power to move people, bring them together, and make a difference in the world. Keep doing w..."