Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nathan Rodd
For me, all I want is to serve your song the best I can and deliver the bottom end that it needs.
Hey there! If you’re a songwriter, band or producer in need of a professional drummer to play on your track, then this service could be just what you need. I've gained much experience in live and studio recordings. I have a unique vintage drums set that sounds amazing, high-quality recording gear. Lior Izhaki drums :)
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Singer, songwriter; singer of the Emmy winning theme song “A Place In Time” from The 4400 with years of experience in vocal and songwriting training with Gerald White and Harriet Schock. I've recorded with the legendary Stephen Stills and T.O.N.e-z and have featured vocals on CBS, Lifetime, The CW, songwriting award from USA Songwriting Competition
I have a passion to record and play awesome music and I want to take your project to the next level!
in audio since 1998, live, theater, studio editing, mixing and time alignment in REAPER or HARRISON MIXBUS 32C 6, vocal tuning in MELODYNE 5
I try to make my own individual sound for each song, different from other songs, because each song is like a new book.I am constantly studying materials for information. I believe that there is no limit to perfection in this area.
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Current Bassist for Shadowgrass and experience tracking on multiple albums with regional artists. As a fulltime freelancer, I dedicate specific attention to each project with the skills, education and experience to back it up. I can read music notation, chord charts, or learn a part by ear as well as improvise a part with the right artistic guide.
Experience the magic of music with a versatile session guitarist! With 15 years of expertise across genres, I'll bring soulful artistry and captivating melodies to elevate your project. Let's create harmonies that resonate and rhythms that move souls! #SessionGuitarist #MusicMagic"
Multi-award-winning composer/songwriter with songs featured on Spotify editorials, BBC Radio A-lists, and hundreds of thousands of streams. I have collaborated with multi-platinum and gold-selling artists, boasting tens of millions of record sales, and have worked on projects associated with multiple Grammy and BAFTA awards and nominations.
Recent Successes
"This was my first job on SoundBetter and a direct hit! I am very glad I found Matthew as he is very professional in exercising his skills. He is very knowledgeable and we got along really well. I will certainly recomm..."
"I’m running out of things to say about Matt because I keep on coming to back to work with him so much. He’s the full package. The Michael Jordan of production. "
"I've used VLM's mastering services twice now and have nothing but praise to share. The turnaround time was quick, the quality of the master was perfect again, and most importantly to me - Wes is a great communicator a..."
"10:th song I do together with Alex and its just getting better! A great guy with epic ideas. We have turned into a a perfect team. Into glory we ride!"
"Pure talent🔥🔥🔥 his work is unmatched!! Delivered me an absolute banger! Will certainly be working with Rioux again💪"
"Chad gets the job done! A pleasure to work with someone who is so on top of their game and passionate about their work! Looking forward to future hits :)"
"Joona was so great to work with - we created a cinematic trailer-esque song together with middle eastern vibes and he totally nailed it! He's extremely talented in converting your ideas into beautiful cinematic sounds..."
"Great job, great communication, the 1-1 session online was great for connecting humanely and iterating quickly"